Statistics about Finance & Insurance in Macau
- Level of knowledge about digital currencies in Macau 2022
- Number of financial institutions in Macao 2013-2023
- Number of insurance companies in Macao 2013-2023
- Issuance value of green bonds in China's Greater Bay Area 2012-2021
- Cumulative green bonds issuance share in China's Greater Bay Area 2021, by region
- Issuance value of green bonds in Macao 2019-2021
- Industry breakdown of labeled green bond issuers in Macao 2022, by type
- Incoming remittance in Macao 2017, by country of origin
- Annual growth of non-life insurance premium income in Macao 2013-2023
- Annual growth of claim value for non-life insurance in Macao 2013-2023
- Annual growth of claim value from life insurance in Macao 2013-2023
- Claim payoff expenses for life insurance in Macao 2013-2023
- Annual change of insurance claim payoff expenses in Macao 2013-2023
- Insurance claim payoff expenses in Macao 2013-2023
- Claim payoff expenses for non-life insurance in Macao 2013-2023
- Non-life insurance premium income in Macao 2013-2023
- Annual growth of life insurance premium income in Macao 2013-2023
- Life insurance premium income in Macao 2013-2023
- Insurance premium income in Macao 2013-2023
- Annual change of insurance premium income in Macao 2013-2023
- Raised capital of private real estate funds in Greater China 2007-2017
- Private real estate funds closed in Greater China 2007-2017
- Number of PERE deals in China 2013-2018
- Greater China's PERE deal aggregate value 2013-2018
- China's share of PERE deal value in Asia 2013-2018
- Usage share of installment plans in Macau 2021
- Opinions on spending and saving in Greater China 2023, by region
- Most used payment methods in Macau 2023
- Card-funded payment preference during COVID in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan 2020
- Perceived benefits of a cashless society in Macao 2020
- Reasons for a decrease in cash in wallet in Macao 2020
- Preference for non-cash payment during COVID in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan 2020
- Share of preferred payment methods during COVID-19 in Macao 2020, by method
- Net growth in usage of payment method usage during COVID-19 in Macao 2020, by type
- Breakdown of mobile payment users in China 2023, by region
- Leading banking methods in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan 2021
- Countries in APAC minus Southeast Asia outgoing remittances, by receiving region 2021
- Prevalence of mobile banking apps in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan 2021
- Awareness of virtual banking in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan 2021
- Share of consumers who attempted to go cashless in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan 2021
- Reasons for a cashless payment increase in Macao 2021
- Consumers choosing ways to pay based on value in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan 2021
- Preferred digital payment method during COVID in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan 2021
- Share of payment method usage during COVID-19 in Macao 2021, by method
- Countries in APAC minus Southeast Asia with most remittances, by sending region 2021