Statistics about Technology & Telecommunications in Japan
- Share of people who use a smartphone while getting dressed Japan 2024
- Share of people who use a smartphone while taking a bath Japan 2024
- Share of people who use a smartphone while watching TV Japan 2024
- Share of people who use a smartphone while doing housework Japan 2024
- Frequency of smartphone usage Japan 2023
- Conexio's number of employees FY 2012-2021
- Conexio's total assets FY 2012-2021
- Conexio's profit FY 2012-2021
- Leading criteria in choosing a smartphone Japan 2023
- Conexio's net sales FY 2012-2021
- Frequency of tablet usage among women Japan 2023, by age group
- Monthly market share held by smartphone OS in Japan 2016-2023
- Smartphones domestic shipment volume per month in Japan 2019-2023
- Smartphone share in domestic mobile phone shipment volume per month Japan 2019-2023
- Mobile phones domestic shipment volume per month Japan 2019-2023
- Timing for purchasing a 5G-capable device in Japan 2021
- Smartphone usage Japan 2018, by location
- Quarterly domestic mobile phone shipment volume share Japan Q4 2022, by vendor
- Total number of tablet shipments in Japan 2013-2018
- Domestic mobile phone shipment volume share Japan 2022, by vendor
- Domestic smartphone shipment volume share Japan 2023, by vendor
- Number of smartphone users Japan 2019-2028
- Willingness to change smartphone brand in Japan 2024
- Tablet usage Japan 2018, by location
- Share of women who use a smartphone while doing housework Japan 2024, by age group
- Smartphone penetration rate Japan 2014-2023
- Sony's mobile communications operating income FY 2016-2018
- Leading type of main mobile phone device among women Japan 2021, by age group
- 3D-ready mobile phones in Japan from 2010 to 2015
- Leading type of main mobile phone device among men Japan 2021, by age group
- Smartphone penetration rate Japan 2023, by age group
- Mobile phone penetration rate Japan 2023, by age group
- Share of men who use a smartphone while getting dressed Japan 2024, by age group
- Share of women who use a smartphone while getting dressed Japan 2024, by age group
- Share of men who use a smartphone while watching TV Japan 2024, by age group
- Japan mobile phone users 2013-2020
- Share of women who use a smartphone while watching TV Japan 2024, by age group
- Share of men who use a smartphone while taking a bath Japan 2024, by age group
- Share of women who use a smartphone while taking a bath Japan 2024, by age group
- Smartphone internet traffic in Japan in 2012, by operating system
- Smartphone user penetration in Japan as share of mobile users 2014-2020
- Japan - brands of smartphones used for business purposes 2018
- Japan - types of mobile phone plans owned 2016-2018
- Japan - brands of smartphones used for personal purposes 2018
- Satisfaction with smartphone brand in Japan 2024
- Japan - mobile phone features used from 2016 to 2018
- Sony's smartphone sales volume FY 2016-2020
- Distribution of iOS and Android smartphone purchases in Japan 2013-2016
- Sales volume of public PHS in Japan 2013-2018
- Share of smartphone users Japan 2019, by operating system
- Household penetration rate of mobile phones Japan 2014-2023
- Household penetration rate of mobile phones Japan 2023, by household income
- Household penetration rate of smartphone Japan 2023, by prefecture
- Household penetration rate of smartphone Japan 2023, by region
- Household penetration rate of smartphone Japan 2023, by household income
- Connected devices consumers are most likely to use 2015
- Digital service experiences of smartphone users Japan 2019, by type
- Sales value of mobile phones in Japan 2013-2018
- Share of iOS and Android smartphone users Japan 2019, by income level
- Most common mobile data plans in Japan 2024
- Forecast: communication equipment manufacturing revenue Japan 2008-2018
- Revenue in the devices market Japan 2018-2028
- Number of cellular subscriptions Japan 2000-2023
- Mobile-cellular subscriptions per 100 inhabitants in Japan, 2000-2023
- Working days needed to buy a new iPhone in Japan 2018-2024
- Cell phones domestic production value per month in Japan 2018
- Household penetration rate of mobile phones Japan 2023, by prefecture
- Household penetration rate of smartphones Japan 2014-2023
- Household penetration rate of mobile phones Japan 2023, by region
- Most popular smartphone brands in Japan 2024
- Penetration rate of 5G-capable devices in Japan 2022
- Tablet penetration rate in Japan 2014, by age group
- Share of men who use a smartphone while doing housework Japan 2024, by age group
- Daily time spent on using the smartphone Japan 2020
- Japanese teens' attitude mobile device 2017
- Smartphone shipments Japan 2017, by vendor
- Japan - types of smartphone operating systems used for business purposes 2016
- Average daily mobile device usage of Japanese parents and teens 2017
- Average daily mobile device use Japanese teens 2017, by activity and gender
- Average daily mobile device use Japanese parent and teens 2017, by activity
- Popular methods of limiting smartphone screen time in Japan 2019
- Perception of excessive smartphone usage in Japan 2019
- Sales volume share iPhones Japan 2017, by model
- Smartphone sales share Japan 2018, by model
- Most common smartphone operating systems in Japan 2024
- Japan - types of smartphone operating systems used for personal purposes 2016-2018
- Daily frequency of sending SMS messages via smartphone Japan 2020
- Japan - types of mobile operator/carrier used for personal phones 2018
- Cell phones domestic production volume per month in Japan 2018
- Monthly market share of operating systems in Japan 2023-2024
- Monthly market share of mobile operating systems in Japan 2023-2024
- Monthly market share of tablet operating systems in Japan 2023-2024
- Monthly market share of PC operating systems in Japan 2023-2024
- NTT Docomo mobile phone subscription market share Japan 2015-2024
- Giga Prize's profit FY 2017-2024
- Number of MVNO subscribers Japan 2015-2024
- Giga Prize's total assets FY 2017-2024
- SoftBank mobile phone subscription market share Japan 2015-2024
- SoftBank Corp.'s revenue distribution FY 2021, by segment
- KDDI Group mobile phone subscription market share Japan 2015-2024