Statistics about Life in Japan
- Most time-consumed subjects of fandom activities Japan 2024
- Most popular subjects of fandom activities Japan 2024
- Experience with physical violence in entertainment in Japan 2022, by occupation
- Share of people with fewer friendship problems due to COVID-19 in Japan 2021, by age
- Level of satisfaction with work-life balance in Japan 2021, by gender
- Share of married women with family caregiving experience in Japan 2022, by age
- Relationship with spouse among married women in Japan 2022, by age group
- Most common reasons for not getting married of men in Japan 2022
- Daily time spent on housework by married couples Japan 2021, by gender and task
- Daily time spent with children by married couples in Japan 2021, by day of week
- Major support providers for child care in Japan 2022
- Reasons to stay single according to Japanese bachelorettes in 2021
- Agreement with statements about same-sex couples among married women in Japan 2022
- Attitude among women whether women should do the housework in Japan 2021, by age
- View on measures promoting men's engagement in childcare in Tokyo in Japan 2021
- Share of people who value their time with friends due to COVID-19 in Japan 2021
- Japanese married women's view on marriage and family in 2021
- Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on friendships in Japan 2021, by age group
- Opinion on a selective dual surname system for married couples in Japan 2022, by age
- Common marriage anticipations among men in Japan 2020
- Daily time spent on child care by married couples in Japan 2001-2021, by gender
- Meaning of family household to people in Japan 2022
- Important aspects in life in Japan 2019
- Time spent on housework compared to before the pandemic in Japan 2023, by gender
- Share of married women living together with parents or in-laws in Japan 2008-2022
- Future marriage intentions of Japanese bachelors 1987-2021
- Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on friendships in Japan 2021
- Opinions regarding negative impact of previous year on one's family Japan 2018-2020
- Prefectures with married men doing housework in Japan 2021
- Agreement with different statements about family among married women in Japan 2022
- Daily time spent on housework by married couples in Japan 2021, by gender
- View of Tokyo residents on changes promoting men's engagement in childcare Japan 2021
- Recognition of the word "Obondama" among seniors 2016-2019
- Childcare and education decision maker among married couples in Japan 2022
- Share of people who value time with friends due to COVID-19 in Japan 2021, by age
- Ways Japanese bachelors met their current partners in 2015
- Leading ways married couples first met each other Japan 2023
- Time invested in housework and care per weekday of Tokyo residents 2021, by gender
- Recognition of the word "Obondama" among seniors 2016-2019, by gender
- Prefectures with high New Year's money gifts in Japan 2019
- Opinion on selective dual surname system for married couples in Japan 2022, by gender
- Opinions on stay-at-home fathers being less of a man Japan 2019
- Number of reliable personal contacts when in trouble in Japan 2021
- Common marriage anticipations among women in Japan 2020
- Most common reasons for not getting married of women in Japan 2022
- Reasons for marriage according to Japanese bachelorettes in 2021
- Daily time spent on unpaid work in Japan 2016-2021, by gender
- Common marriage anticipations in Japan 2020
- Daily time spent on unpaid work by married couples in Japan 2021, by gender and task
- Average planned Obondama gift budget of seniors grandchildren 2016-2019, by gender
- Perception of friends contributing to happiness in Japan 2019
- Attitudes towards homosexual couples as parents in Japan 2019
- Average time spent on childcare per day in Japan 2021, by gender
- Attitude towards separate surnames for married couples in Japan 2021
- Proportion of Japanese women with a diamond engagement ring 1966-1990
- Marriage hunting market size Japan FY 2014-2018
- Daily time spent on unpaid work in Japan 2021, by gender and task
- Distribution of time spent on housework among married couples in Japan 2008-2022
- Daily time spent with family members in Japan 2016-2021, by age
- Daily time spent on child care by married couples Japan 2021, by gender and task
- Level of satisfaction with work-life balance of men in Japan 2021
- Relationship with spouse among married men in Japan 2022, by age group
- Level of satisfaction with ease of child-rearing in Japan 2021, by gender
- Crucial criteria in potential spouse choice according to Japanese bachelorettes 2021
- Opinion on family support for the elderly among married women in Japan 2022
- Attitude among men about whether women should do the housework in Japan 2021, by age
- Future marriage intentions of Japanese bachelorettes 1987-2021
- Impression of men's participation in housework and childcare in Tokyo in Japan 2021
- Perception of children contributing to happiness in Japan 2019
- Daily time spent on housework by married couples in Japan 2001-2021, by gender
- Ways Japanese bachelorettes met their current partners in 2015
- Prefectures with friend-like parent-child relationships in Japan 2021
- Daily time spent on unpaid work by married couples in Japan 2016-2021, by gender
- Share of people with fewer friendship problems due to COVID-19 in Japan 2021
- Household labor division among married Tokyo residents 2021
- View on men's engagement in housework and childcare in Tokyo in Japan 2021
- Reasons to stay single according to Japanese bachelors in 2021
- Desired and actual childcare leave duration of fathers in Tokyo Japan 2021
- Daily time spent with children by married couples in Japan 2021, by economic activity
- Prefectures with married men helping with childcare in Japan 2021
- Preferred ways to spend the New Year in Japan 2022
- Awareness of the term "patriarchy" in Japan 2023
- People and topics that trended in Japan 2022
- Share of people aware of the term "unconscious bias" in Japan 2023
- Aspects influencing level of satisfaction with life among women in Japan 2021
- Most common associations with winter in Japan 2023
- Most common life events experienced by men in the past year in Japan 2021
- Awareness of the term "misogyny" in Japan 2023
- Share of Gen Y and Zs in favor of gender blindness in Japan 2022
- Sense of gender equality between men and women in Japan 2023
- Reasons for disagreement with traditional gender roles regarding labor in Japan 2023
- Share of people aware of the term "mansplaining" in Japan 2023
- Level of satisfaction with life among men in Japan 2021
- Awareness of the term "male breadwinner model" in Japan 2023
- Awareness of the term "toxic masculinity" in Japan 2023
- Opinion on whether diverse values and lifestyles are respected in Japan 2022, by age
- Gay travel index in Japan 2021, by category
- Average level of satisfaction with life of men in Japan 2021, by topic
- Trending topics among Gen Z in Japan 2023
- Nippon Life Insurance Company revenue 2019 to 2023