Statistics about Finance & Insurance in Japan
- Premium income from individual insurance of life insurers in Japan FY 2014-2023
- MSI Primary Life insurance's employee numbers FY 2013-2022
- Life insurance market share to gross premium in Japan FY 2016-2022
- Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Group's number of group customers FY 2015-2022
- Amount of individual policies in force of life insurers in Japan FY 2014-2023
- New individual policies breakdown of life insurers in Japan FY 2023, by age group
- Meiji Yasuda Life Group's number of permanent employees FY 2017-2021, by gender
- Meiji Yasuda Life Group's number of sales personnel FY 2017-2021, by gender
- Value of Meiji Yasuda's group pension assets FY 2016-2020
- Number of individual policies in force of life insurers in Japan FY 2023, by type
- Meiji Yasuda's new premiums from third sector insurance FY 2016-2020
- Amount of individual policies in force of life insurers Japan FY 2019-2023, by type
- Most common life insurance sales channels in Japan 2009-2021
- Most popular channels for buying insurance in Japan 2022
- Life insurance market share in Japan FY 2022, by company type
- Sales channel breakdown of life insurers Japan 2023
- Premium income from life insurance of cooperatives in Japan FY 2015-2022
- Reasons for taking out life insurance 2021
- Japan Post Insurance's total assets 2015-2024
- New individual policies breakdown of life insurers in Japan FY 2023, by age and type
- Life insurance ownership among households in Japan 2021, by age of household head
- Number of direct salespersons of life insurance companies in Japan FY 2016-2023
- Dai-ichi Life Group's value of new business FY 2018-2022
- Dai-ichi Life Group's net income FY 2017-2023
- Number of sales representatives of life insurance agencies in Japan FY 2016-2023
- Amount of group policies in force of life insurers in Japan 2021-2023, by type
- Life insurance death benefits paid in Japan FY 2014-2023
- Value of individual annuity insurance policies in force Japan FY 2016-2022, by type
- Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance's new annualized premiums FY 2015-2022
- Life insurance ownership among households in Japan 2009-2021, by insurer type
- Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Group's number of individual customers FY 2015-2022
- MSI Primary Life insurance's product sales share 2022, by sales channel
- Tertiary Industry Activity Index of the life insurance industry in Japan 2014-2023
- Brand awareness of life insurers in Japan 2020
- Number of new individual policies of life insurers in Japan FY 2023, by type
- Leading life insurance companies in Japan FY 2017, by annualized premiums
- Japan Post Insurance's premium and other income FY 2014-2023
- Japan Post Insurance's net income FY 2014-2023
- Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance's amount of group life insurance in force FY 2015-2022
- Ratio of operating expenses to premium income of life insurers in Japan FY 2016-2020
- Leading life insurers in Japan 2017, by satisfaction
- Dai-ichi Life Group's European embedded value (EEV) FY 2018-2022
- Solvency margin ratio of major life insurance companies in Japan FY 2021-2023
- Number life insurance policies in force with surgery coverage Japan FY 2022, by type
- Premium income of major life insurance companies in Japan FY 2021-2023
- Net income of major life insurance companies in Japan FY 2021-2023
- Share of total premium income of life insurances to GDP Japan FY 1955-2015
- Meiji Yasuda's overseas base profit's share of operating profit FY 2016-2021
- Ordinary profits of life insurance companies in Japan FY 2014-2023
- MSI Primary Life insurance's premiums income FY 2014-2023
- Japan Post Insurance's core profit FY 2016-2022
- Meiji Yasuda's overseas insurance premiums' share of operating profit FY 2016-2021
- Newly issued life insurances in Japan FY 2023
- T&D Holdings' total assets 2016-2024
- T&D Holdings' profit FY 2015-2023
- Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Group's net surplus FY 2016-2021
- Meiji Yasuda Life Group's total assets 2016-2024
- Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Group's premium and other income FY 2016-2023
- Sumitomo Life Group's core business profit FY 2018-2023
- Dai-ichi Life Group's number of employees 2017-2024
- Meiji Yasuda's new policies signed by seniors FY 2016-2018
- Japan Post Insurance's employee number FY 2015-2023, by type
- Sumitomo Life Insurance's total assets 2017-2024
- Benefits paid by life insurers in Japan FY 2014-2023
- Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Group's annual base profit FY 2015-2022
- T&D Holdings' ordinary revenues FY 2015-2023
- Premium income of life insurers in Japan FY 2014-2023
- Life insurance companies securities allocation in Japan FY 2023, by asset class
- Breakdown of the total assets of life insurers in Japan FY 2023, by type
- Sumitomo Life Group's total assets 2018-2024
- Dai-ichi Life Group's total assets 2017-2024
- Leading life insurance companies in Japan FY 2017, by policies in force
- Leading life insurers in Japan FY 2020, by total assets
- Sumitomo Life Group's European embedded value (EEV) 2018-2024
- Life insurance ownership among households in Japan 2021, by income
- Sumitomo Life Group's annualized premiums from policies in force 2018-2024
- T&D Holdings' ordinary revenues FY 2015-2023, by subsidiary
- T&D Holdings' profit FY 2015-2023, by subsidiary
- Sumitomo Life Group's consolidated insurance premiums and other FY 2017-2023
- Dai-ichi Life Group's premium and other income FY 2016-2023
- Leading life insurance groups in Japan FY 2020, by premium income
- Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance's annualized premiums in force FY 2015-2022
- Sumitomo Life Insurance's premium and other income FY 2016-2023
- Percentage of people borrowing money from financial institutions Japan 2017, by type
- Number of sustainability-linked loans issued in Japan 2019-2023
- Largest green loans issued in Japan 2024, by amount
- Sustainability-linked loan issuance amount in Japan 2019-2023
- Green loan issuance amount in Japan 2017-2023
- Value of new consumer loans issued by banks in Japan 2014-2023
- Average contract interest rates on outstanding bank loans in Japan 2015-2024
- Outstanding consumer loans issued by banks in Japan 2014-2023
- Average contract interest rates on outstanding bank loans in Japan 2014-2023, by bank
- Number of green loans issued in Japan 2017-2023
- Ordinary profits of the money lending industry in Japan FY 2014-2023
- Monthly interest rate on new long-term loans and discounts of banks Japan 2019-2024
- Monthly long-term prime lending rate in Japan 2019-2024
- Non-performing loan (NPL) ratio of banks in Japan 2015-2024
- Non-performing loan (NPL) ratio of major banks in Japan 2015-2024
- Monthly short-term prime lending rate in Japan 2019-2024
- Monthly maximum and minimum short-term prime lending rates in Japan 2019-2024