Statistics about Energy & Environment in Japan
- Kyushu Electric Power's electricity generation capacity FY 2022, by source
- Production volume of wood chips in Japan 2021, by wood type
- Bioenergy heat supply Japan FY 2010-2019
- Share of solar energy in energy production Japan 2014-2023
- Japan's market segmentation of solar industry by sector 2016
- Maximum output of wind power stations Japan 2021, by prefecture
- Generating capacity bioenergy Japan 2014-2023
- Market size of biomass energy Japan 2020-2035
- Domestic supply of biomass energy in Japan FY 2022, by source
- Domestic supply of renewable energy in Japan FY 2022, by source
- LCOE per kilowatt hour of onshore wind energy Japan 2020-2050
- LCOE per kilowatt hour of hydropower Japan 2020-2050
- Domestic supply of renewable energy in Japan FY 2013-2022
- Domestic supply of biomass energy Japan FY 2013-2022
- Quarterly shipments of miscellaneous power generation PV modules Japan FY 2019-2023
- Value of renewable electricity purchases Japan FY 2022, by energy source
- Quarterly shipments of residential application PV modules Japan FY 2019-2023
- Generation capacity of biogas energy Japan 2014-2023
- LCOE per kilowatt hour of PV prosumers Japan 2020-2050
- Forecast of the geothermal power generation capacity Japan 2023-2033
- Forecast of the biomass power generation capacity Japan 2023-2033
- Forecast of the wind power generation capacity Japan 2023-2033
- Solar panels market scale Japan 2013-2016
- Quarterly domestic production of PV cells in Japan FY 2017-2018
- Forecast of the solar energy generation capacity Japan 2023-2033
- Japan: solar energy demand 2008-2012
- LCOE per kilowatt hour of geothermal energy Japan 2020-2050
- Kyushu Electric Power's electricity generation capacity share FY 2023, by source
- Forecast of the generation capacity of hydropower Japan 2023-2033, by type
- LCOE per kilowatt hour of PV systems Japan 2020-2050
- Generation capacity of solar energy Japan 2014-2023
- Electricity generation of hydropower plants Japan 2022, by prefecture
- Purchase value of electricity from wind energy Japan FY 2013-2022
- Cumulative installed capacity of wind power generation Japan FY 2012-2021
- Planned share of renewable energy production Japan 2030, by energy source
- Purchase value of electricity from biomass energy Japan FY 2013-2022
- Electricity generation from renewable energy Japan FY 2022, by energy source
- Number of wood chip manufacturers Japan 2013-2022
- Number of installed geothermal heat pump systems Japan FY 2019, by type
- Production volume of wood chips in Japan 2013-2022, by wood type
- Forecast of the generation capacity of renewables Japan 2022-2033, by energy source
- Most common reasons against a mandatory solar power installation Japan 2024
- Quarterly domestic shipment volume of PV modules Japan FY 2018-2024
- Number of residential PV power generation facilities Japan FY 2021, by prefecture
- Cumulative installed capacity of solar power generation Japan FY 2012-2021
- Share of people who support solar energy Japan 2014-2023
- Japan's outlook for 100% renewable energy transition by source 2050
- Share of people who support hydropower Japan 2014-2023
- Purchase value of electricity from geothermal energy Japan FY 2013-2022
- Purchase volume of electricity from wind energy Japan FY 2013-2022
- Purchase volume of electricity from geothermal energy Japan FY 2015-2022
- Share of people who support wind energy Japan 2014-2023
- Generation capacity of offshore wind energy Japan 2013-2022
- Japan's installed solar capacity projection 2015-2020
- Generation capacity of onshore wind energy Japan 2013-2022
- Generation capacity of solid biofuels and renewable waste energy Japan 2013-2022
- Generation capacity of renewable municipal waste energy Japan 2013-2022
- Japan's installed solar capacity 2013-2016
- Purchase volume of electricity from biomass energy Japan FY 2013-2022
- LCOE per kilowatt hour of offshore wind energy Japan 2020-2050
- Number of renewable power stations Japan 2023, by energy source
- Number of hydropower stations Japan 2020-2023
- Shipment volume of inverters for solar PV systems Japan FY 2021, by application
- Cross-border investment in solar energy in the Americas Japan 2012-2019
- Price of ground-mounted PV systems per watt Japan 2012-2021
- Price of residential PV systems per watt Japan 2012-2021
- Price of commercial and industrial PV systems per watt Japan 2012-2021
- Cumulative installed PV power Japan 2012-2021
- Installed capacity of solar and wind power Japan FY 2020, by area
- Hydroelectricity FIT price per kilowatt hour Japan FY 2015-2024, by capacity
- Onshore wind electricity FIT price per kilowatt hour Japan FY 2015-2024
- Offshore wind electricity FIT price per kilowatt hour Japan FY 2018-2024, by type
- Cross-border investment in solar energy in APAC Japan 2010-2019
- Electricity generation of wind power plants Japan 2022, by prefecture
- Number of waste power stations Japan 2020-2023
- Electricity production of solar power plants Japan 2022, by prefecture
- Number of solar power stations Japan 2020-2023
- Forecast of the waste power generation capacity Japan 2019-2029
- Number of renewable power stations Japan 2023, by prefecture
- Number of solar power stations Japan 2023, by prefecture
- Generation capacity of hydropower plants Japan 2023, by prefecture
- Maximum output of biomass power stations Japan 2023, by prefecture
- Cross-border investment in biomass and waste energy in APAC Japan 2009-2017
- Average generation costs of residential solar PVs Japan 2020-2022
- Number of geothermal power stations Japan 2023, by prefecture
- Number of wind power stations Japan 2020-2023
- Cross-border investment in solar energy in the Middle East and Africa Japan 2010-2018
- Cross-border investment in wind energy Japan 2010-2019
- Number of biomass power stations Japan 2020-2023
- Solar PV inverter domestic production volume in Japan FY 2021, by capacity
- Solar power primary energy supply Japan FY 2012-2021
- Wind power primary energy supply Japan FY 2012-2021
- Power generation volume from residential PV Japan FY 2012-2019
- Quarterly domestic production volume of PV modules Japan FY 2018-2023
- Electricity generation from thermal power by electric utilities Japan FY 2010-2019
- Hydroelectricity generation by industry-owned facilities Japan FY 2010-2019
- Most supported renewable energy sources among young people Japan 2021
- Establishment status of community microgrids among municipalities Japan 2023
- Introduced renewable energy volume Japan FY 2013-2021
- Maximum output of geothermal power stations Japan 2022, by prefecture