Statistics about Economy & Politics in Japan
- Fortune Global 500 companies based in Tokyo, Japan 2020, by revenue
- Share of companies with CSR departments Japan 2021, by type
- Corporate fixed assets of manufacturing industry in Japan FY 2017, by type
- Number of private large business enterprises Japan 2021, by industry
- Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on business of foreign affiliates in Japan 2020
- Number of private business enterprises Japan 2009-2021, by size
- Number of workers of private business enterprises Japan 2009-2021, by size
- Number of private SMEs Japan 2021, by industry
- Share of large corporations promoting female health Japan 2021, by measure
- Number of workers of private SMEs Japan 2021, by industry
- Number of workers of large business enterprises Japan 2021, by industry
- Number of JPY 1 billion rounds startups Japan 2008-2017
- Approved cases of employment adjustment subsidies amid COVID-19 Japan 2022
- Importance of following CSR regulation for purchases among enterprises 2016-2018
- Breakdown of private business enterprises Japan 2021, by size
- Number of business establishments operating Japan 2021, by sector
- Number of female presidents Japan 2021, by industry
- Major public university startups in Japan 2024, by market capitalization
- Irregular employee skill shortages among business enterprises Japan 2014-2023
- Number of university startup M&As in Japan FY 2015-2023
- University startup number Japan FY 2014-2023
- Corporate sales iron and steel industry Japan FY 2011-2017
- University startups Japan 2023, by industry
- Corporate assets of manufacturing industry in Japan FY 2012-2017
- Full-time employee skill shortages among business enterprises Japan 2014-2023
- University startup number Japan 2023, by prefecture
- Companies considering bonus payments Japan 2020, by severity of labor shortage
- Entrepreneurial Framwork Conditions index Asia 2023, by country
- Corporate assets of non-manufacturing industry in Japan FY 2012-2017
- Share of companies experiencing an impact of COVID-19 on business Japan 2022
- Number of listed companies on TSE Japan 2024, by market division
- Overseas affiliates production ratio in manufacturing industry in Japan 2013-2022
- Number of overseas affiliates in the manufacturing industry in Japan 2013-2022
- Companies viewed active in workstyle reforms in Japan 2018
- Number of business establishments operating Japan 2021, by organization type
- Amount of funds raised by startups Japan 2014 to 2023
- Number of businesses operating in the secondary sector in Japan 2021, by industry
- Entrepreneurship framework conditions in Japan 2023, by indicators
- Most common barriers regarding doing business in Japan among foreign affiliates 2020
- Most desired companies to work for in Japan 2019
- Awareness of ESG investments of companies Japan 2021
- Overseas affiliates investment ratio of the manufacturing industry Japan FY 2013-2022
- Early stage entrepreneur share in Japan 2022, by age group
- Early stage entrepreneur share in Japan 2022, by gender
- Corporate liquid assets of all industries in Japan 2017, by type
- Entrepreneurial incentives in early stage Japan 2022
- Number of business establishments in the manufacturing sector Japan 2022, by industry
- Perception of entrepreneurship Japan 2022
- Number of university startups in Japan 2023, by university
- Number of university startup IPOs in Japan 2014-2023
- Corporate operating profit of all industries Japan FY 2014-2023
- Regional distribution of Japanese foreign affiliates FY 2013-2022
- Challenges for German companies in Japan during COVID-19 pandemic 2020
- Corporate liquid assets of all industries in Japan FY 2012-2017
- Business confidence index among the world's seven largest economies 2020-2024
- Corporate fixed assets of all industries in Japan FY 2017, by type
- Japanese companies in China 2016 and 2019, by sales
- Number of private SMEs Japan 2021, by prefecture
- Share of companies recognized good effects of CSR activities Japan 2021
- Opinion on ethical goods improving corporate identity in Japan 2020
- Number of large private business enterprises Japan 2021, by prefecture
- Sales value of Japanese foreign affiliates FY 2013-2022
- Sales of foreign affiliates Japan FY 2017-2022, by region
- Largest Japanese MNEs 2023, by foreign assets
- Foreign sales of largest Japanese MNEs 2023
- Transnationality index of largest Japanese MNEs 2023
- Irregular employee shortages among business enterprises Japan 2023, by industry
- Number of corporate bankruptcies Japan 2023, by industry
- Companies viewed active in promoting female employees and managers in Japan 2018
- Bankruptcies of business enterprises Japan 2023, by prefecture
- Sales of foreign affiliates Japan FY 2013-2022, by industry type
- Breakdown of foreign affiliates Japan FY 2022, by type of industry
- Number of corporate bankruptcies Japan 2014-2023
- Employee skill shortages among business enterprises Japan 2023, by type of employee
- Number of employees at foreign affiliates Japan FY 2017-2022, by industry type
- Future business development plans of foreign affiliates in Japan 2020
- Number of businesses operating Japan 2021, by prefecture
- Added value of private large enterprises Japan 2020, by industry
- Corporate liquid assets of non-manufacturing industry in Japan FY 2012-2017
- Added value of private SMEs Japan 2020, by industry
- Number of Japanese foreign affiliates FY 2013-2022
- Sales of private SMEs Japan 2020, by industry
- Sales of private enterprises Japan 2020, by industry
- Sales per private enterprise Japan 2020, by industry
- Entrepreneurial incentives in early stage Japan 2017, by gender
- Sales of private large enterprises Japan 2020, by industry
- Number of bankruptcies due to the impact of COVID-19 Japan 2024, by prefecture
- Bankruptcies due to labor shortages Japan 2019, by amount of liabilities
- Number of large private business enterprises Japan 2021, by city
- Leading domestic companies Japan FY 2022, by total assets
- Leading domestic companies Japan FY 2022, by ordinary profit
- Leading domestic companies Japan FY 2022, by sales revenue
- Full-time employee shortages among business enterprises Japan 2024, by industry
- Most pressing issues of Japanese companies 2018, by sector
- Number of business corporations Japan FY 2022, by industry
- Bankruptcies due to labor shortages Japan 2013-2019
- Awareness of CSR-related concepts among Japanese 2018
- Number of headquarters of listed companies Japan 2021, by prefecture
- Corporate operating profits Japan FY 2019-2023, by industry type
- Share of female presidents Japan 2021, by industry