Statistics about Travel, Tourism & Hospitality in India
- Share of tourists India 2019-2028, by type of spending
- Foreign tourist arrivals from west Asia into India 2022, by leading country
- Share of foreign tourist arrivals into India 2022, by region
- Foreign tourist arrivals from Africa into India 2022, by leading country
- Number of Indian nationals' departures from Mumbai airport 2011-2022
- FTAs from the United States to India 2008-2017
- Revenue share of events in India 2017 by type
- Number of Indians departing to western Europe in 2022, by country
- Number of Indians departing to Jordan 2009-2022
- Share of foreign tourist arrivals into India via Delhi airport 2011-2022
- Revenue of organized events industry in India from FY 2012-2021
- Share of foreign tourist arrivals into India via Chennai airport 2011-2022
- Share of foreign tourist arrivals in India 2011-2022, by gender
- Number of Indian national departures from India in 2022, by mode of transport
- Number of Indian nationals' departures from Calicut airport 2011-2022
- Number of Indian nationals' departures from India in 2022, by month
- Number of Indians departing to Turkey 2009-2022
- Foreign tourist arrivals from south east Asia into India 2022, by leading country
- Share of foreign tourist arrivals from Canada in India - by purpose 2017
- Foreign tourist arrivals from east Asia into India by country 2017
- Departure of nationals from Trivandrum airport 2010-2017
- Number of Indians departing to South Africa 2009-2022
- FTAs from Australasia in India - by duration of stay 2017
- Foreign tourist arrivals from south Asia into India 2022, by leading country
- Key factors which influence hotel booking channel selection in India 2016-2017
- Number of Indians departing to Egypt 2009-2022
- Share of tourists India 2019-2028, by expenditure
- Share of foreign tourist arrivals from United States in India by port 2017
- Share of foreign tourist arrivals into India from Canada by age group 2017
- Foreign tourist arrivals from Americas in India - by duration of stay 2017
- Tourist arrivals to Andhra Pradesh India 2014-2022, by type
- Travel market distribution in India FY 2018-2027, by type
- Contribution of travel and tourism to GDP of India 2019-2023
- Change in the retail value of travel in India 2013-2015
- Distribution of airline market in India FY 2018-2027, by booking channel
- Travel agent market distribution in India FY 2018-2027, by booking type
- Share of railway market in India FY 2018-2027, by booking channel
- Travel market distribution in India FY 2018-2027, by booking channel
- Distribution of travel and tourism GDP in India FY 2023, by type of visitor
- Share of departures of Indian nationals 2022, by purpose
- Monthly distribution of travelers at Indian airports in 2014 by occupation
- Tourism promotion and publicity expenditure India FY 2016-2025
- Travel & tourism development rank India 2011-2021
- Monthly FTAs with e-tourist visa to India 2021-2022
- Distribution of travelers at Indian airports in the three months leading to May 2014
- Tourism infrastructure expenditure India FY 2016-2024
- Foreign tourist arrivals to India 2021, by purpose of visit
- Distribution of travelers at Indian airports as of May 2014 by time of day
- Direct contribution of tourism and hospitality to GDP in India 2012-2034
- Gender distribution of travelers at Indian airports as of May 2014
- Distribution of airline market in India FY 2018-2027, by type
- Share of international tourism receipts of India 2022, by country
- Number of travel agents in India FY 2020, by size
- Preference of travel agents in India H1 FY 2021, by booking request
- Tourism infrastructure expenditure India FY 2024, by type
- Travel agent market distribution in India FY 2020, by booking request
- Travel agent market distribution in India FY 2020, by booking type and agent type
- Revenue in the Travel & Tourism market India 2019-2029
- FTAs from eastern Europe in India - by duration of stay 2017
- Number of Indians departing to eastern Europe from India in 2022, by country
- Inbound tourism expenditure in India 2014-2021, by type
- Foreign tourist arrivals from eastern Europe into India 2022, by leading country
- Number of tourist arrivals from India to Europe 2019-2022, by destination
- Revenue share from tourism India 2013-2023, by visitor origin
- Operating revenue of leading OTAs in India FY 2023
- Revenue in the travel & tourism market India 2019-2029
- Users in the vacation rentals segment India 2019-2029
- Number of users in the travel & tourism market India 2019-2029
- Number of users in the Travel & Tourism market India 2019-2029
- Value of travel agent market in India FY 2020, by booking type
- Revenue share from tourism in India 2013-2023, by segment
- Number of Hajj pilgrims from India 1990-2023
- Number of Indians departing to Nepal 2009-2022
- Inbound tourism expenditure in India 2014-2021, by purpose
- Value of Indian organized food services industry FY 2014-2025
- Number of Indians departing to Iran 2009-2022
- Number of Indians departing to Pakistan 2009-2012
- International travel agent market distribution H1 FY 2021, by customer
- Market value of Indian hotels in the food services industry FY 2014-2025
- Change in forex earnings in travel and tourism sector in India FY 2015-2023
- Total contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in India 2013-2023
- Number of Indians departing to Maldives 2009-2022
- Foreign tourist arrival share to India 2022, by purpose of visit
- Number of Indians departing to Nigeria 2009-2016
- Share of foreign tourist arrivals from Bangladesh in India - by port of arrival 2017
- Share of foreign tourist arrivals into India 2022, by age group
- Share of foreign tourist arrivals into India from Bangladesh by age group 2017
- Number of Indians departing to Saudi Arabia 2009-2022
- FTAs from Australia to India 2008-2017
- Number of Indians departing to Italy 2009-2022
- Accommodation bookings of Indian travel brands by inbound tourists in India 2017-2022
- Outbound tourism expenditure as a share of GDP India 2008-2021
- FTAs from southeast Asia in India - by duration of stay 2017
- Share of foreign tourist arrivals into India 2011-2022, by mode of transport
- Number of Indians departing to Netherlands 2012-2022
- FTAs from Canada to India 2008-2017
- Share of transport expenditure Indian travelers 2015-2018 by category
- Tourism openness over GDP India 2008-2021
- Share of FTAs from United Kingdom to India 2022, by purpose of visit
- Number of Indian nationals' departures from Trichy airport 2010-2017