Statistics about Metals & Electronics in India
- Commercial and homeland security drone market forecast in India 2030, by type
- Export value of space technology sector in India FY 2015-2022
- Forecast: weapons and ammunition manufacturing revenue India 2008-2018
- Number of employees at HAL FY 2011-2023
- EBITDA of HAL FY 2011-2021
- R&D expenditures of HAL FY 2011-2023
- Domestic sales value of HAL FY 2011-2023
- Operating revenue of HAL FY 2011-2023
- Market size of drone in India 2020-2030
- Production value of HAL FY 2008-2024
- Import value of space technology sector in India FY 2015-2022
- Industry revenue of "Manufacture of weapons and ammunition" in India 2012-2024
- Government expenditure on space sector in India FY 2017-2024
- Private companies defense production value in India FY 2017-2024
- OFB defense production value in India FY 2017-2024
- Public sector undertakings defense production value in India FY 2017-2024
- Number of ISRO R&D projects FY 2023, by segment
- Number of R&D partners collaborations with ISRO FY 2023, by type of institution
- Intellectual property rights owned by ISRO FY 2023, by type
- Estimated space missions conducted by ISRO FY 2024, by satellite and launch vehicle
- Share of launched ISRO spacecrafts in India 2023, by application
- Share of production value of HSL FY 2023, by segment
- Advanced materials market size in aerospace industry India 2021-2028
- Share of defense import to India 2019-2023, by country of origin
- Mobile satellite services market size India 2020-2025
- Satellite remote sensing services market size India 2020-2025
- Satellite services market size for the defense industry in India 2020-2025
- Satellite services market size for the aviation industry in India 2020-2025
- Commercial space launch services market value India 2020-2025
- Satellite manufacturing opportunity India 2020-2025
- Market value of space segments India 2020-2025, by segment
- Production value of BEL FY 2013-2023
- Defense export from India FY 2017-2024
- Operating profit or loss of HSL FY 2017-2023
- Defense export from private companies from India FY 2017-2024
- Defense export from public sector from India FY 2017-2023
- Production value of HSL FY 2014-2024
- Forecast: military fighting vehicles manufacturing revenue India 2009-2018
- Forecast: air- and spacecraft manufacturing revenue India 2008-2018
- Forecast: air- and spacecraft maintenance and repair revenue India 2008-2018
- Rail and defense battery demand in India 2022-2030
- Industry revenue of "Manufacture of weapons and ammunition" in India 2012-2024
- Industry revenue of "Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery" in India 2012-2024
- Advanced materials penetration in the aerospace and defense industry India 2021-2028
- Market size of space ground station equipment India 2020-2024
- Defense production value in India FY 2017-2024
- Commercial drone market forecast in India 2030, by segment
- Production value of OFB in India FY 2014-2019
- Demand for commercial drone components in India 2030, by type
- Production value of MIDHANI in India 2013-2017
- Export forecast of drones from India 2025-2030
- Market size forecast of drone in India 2025-2030, by type
- Number of spacecrafts launched by India FY 2017-2020
- Number of M2M connections across India 2016 to 2021
- Opinion of people on information security challenges M2M for organization India 2016
- Import value of accumulator and battery to India FY 2023, by leading region
- Lithium-ion battery production capacity in India 2023-2030
- Import value of accumulator and battery to India FY 2017-2023
- Stationary storage battery demand in India 2026-2030
- Net worth of HBL FY 2017-2023
- HBL's net debt FY 2017-2023
- Imports volume of automobile storage batteries by India 2014-2019
- EBITDA of HBL FY 2017-2023
- Revenue of HBL FY 2017-2023
- Lithium-ion battery waste in India 2021, by source
- Cost breakdown of lithium-ion battery pack in India 2023, by type
- Export value of accumulator and battery from India FY 2016-2023
- Industry revenue of "Manufacture of batteries and accumulators" in India 2012-2024
- Exide Industries capital expenditure FY 2019-2023
- Amara Raja Batteries net assets FY 2019-2023
- Amara Raja Batteries PAT FY 2019-2023
- Battery market size in India 2022-2030
- Market demand for ACC battery in India 2022-2030
- Amara Raja Batteries net worth FY 2019-2023
- Amara Raja Batteries net sales FY 2019-2023
- Exide Industries total assets FY 2014-2023
- Exide Industries share of revenue FY 2023, by sector
- Exide Industries total liabilities FY 2014-2023
- Production volume of automobile storage batteries in India 2014-2019
- Export volume of automobile storage batteries from India FY 2015-2019
- Forecast: batteries and accumulators manufacturing revenue India 2008-2018
- Share of electric vehicles market India 2020-2030 by separator
- Net profit of HBL FY 2021-2023
- Leading battery companies in India 2024, by market capitalization
- Energy storage obligation in India FY 2024-2030
- Exide Industries share of revenue FY 2023, by geography
- Battery energy storage system capacity in India 2023-2030
- Export value of accumulator and battery to India FY 2023, by leading country
- Eveready revenue FY 2017-2023
- Industrial applications share in lithium ion battery market in India 2012-2016
- Automotive applications share in lithium ion battery market in India 2012-2016
- Consumer electronics share in lithium ion battery market in India 2012-2016
- ESS capacity in India 2022, by stage of development
- Exide Industries net turnover FY 2019-2023
- Exide Industries net profit FY 2019-2023
- EV lithium battery demand India 2023-2035
- Growth rate of Escorts' tractor production volume in India 2016-2017
- Growth rate of LCV production volume in India 2016-2017
- Share of haulage and tipper segment in India FY 2011-2020, by gross vehicle weight
- Growth rate of MHCV production volume in India 2016-2017