Statistics about Finance & Insurance in India
- Total expenditure Bank of Baroda FY 2018-2022
- Total deposits of ANZ in India 2016-2019
- India - types of owned financial products 2017-2018
- Reasons for not using e-payment services India 2022
- Return of assets of foreign sector banks in India FY 2012-2017
- Fintech innovation barriers in India 2017, by type
- Transaction value of IMPS India 2018-2021
- Kotak Mahindra Bank's value of deposits FY 2017-2021
- Investment to deposit ratio of scheduled commercial banks across India 1990-2015
- Share of public sector banks in India - by region 2015
- Gross national savings across India 2011-2019
- Return on assets in scheduled commercial banks in India 1990-2015
- India rankings across World Bank on ease of doing business index AY 2018 by parameter
- Share of net NPA or net advances across private sector banks India FY 2015 - FY 2017
- Return on assets value in public sector banks in India FY 2012-2018
- Value of deposits UCO Bank FY 2018-2021
- Value of small savings in individual financial assets FY 2015-2020
- Value of M&A deals in the Fintech sector 2016-2021
- Value of the payment gateway market in India 2017-2025
- Volume of mobile wallet transactions in India FY 2013-2022
- Share of standard restructured assets in public sector banks India FY 2015-FY 2017
- Share of CASA deposit across banks in India from FY 2015 - FY 2017
- Interest margin to assets ratio of scheduled commercial banks in India 1990-2015
- Number of fintech startups in India 2020, by segment
- Deposit growth rate across banks in India from FY 2013 - FY 2017
- NSE stock futures turnover in India FY 2010-FY 2016
- Credit to deposit ratio of scheduled commercial banks across India 1990-2015
- Value of PE/VC credit investment deals in India 2014-2023
- Value of mergers and acquisitions of Indian companies - by origin 2017
- PE/VC investments in fintech India 2013-2022
- Volume of retail electronic clearing in India FY 2014-2022, by type
- Total income earned by Vijaya Bank FY 2017-2019
- Federal Bank's value of deposits FY 2017-2021
- Leading banks in India 2015, by number of mobile transactions
- HDFC Bank's NPAs value FY 2017-2024
- Value of total NPAs of Axis Bank India FY 2017-2021
- Total expenditure of Bandhan Bank FY 2017-2021
- Leading private banks in India 2024, by asset
- Tamilnad Mercantile Bank's value of deposits in India FY 2017-2021
- Senior citizens savings as part of individual small savings wealth India FY 2015-2020
- Total assets of Dena Bank FY 2017-2019
- Percentage internet usage to pay bills India 2017, by type
- Catholic Syrian Bank's value of deposits India FY 2017-2021
- Assets of central bank in India 2002-2016
- South Indian Bank's value of deposits FY 2017-2021
- Nainital Bank's value of deposits FY 2017-2021
- Value of deposits at private banks India FY 2017-2021
- Value of M&A deals in the hyperlocal sector 2013-2018
- Banking channels used at least weekly in India 2016
- Distribution of fintech investment in India - by sector 2015-2016
- Volume of PPI payments India FY 2014-2022
- Number of PE/VC buyout deals in India 2014-2023
- Assets of foreign banks in India FY 2013-2023
- Number of scheduled commercial banks across India 1990-2015
- Loan to deposit ratio of State Bank of India and its associates in India FY 2012-2021
- Total expenditure of IndusInd Bank FY 2017-2021
- Share of gross NPA or gross advances across banks India FY 2015 - FY 2017
- Intermediation cost to assets ratio of scheduled commercial banks in India 1990-2015
- Share of stressed assets in all banks across India from FY 2015 - FY 2017
- Leading public sector banks in India 2021 by net sales
- Share of stressed assets in private sector banks across India from FY 2015 - FY 2017
- Value of mobile banking payments India FY 2013-2019
- Wage bills to total expense ratio of scheduled commercial banks in India 2015
- Share of net NPA or net worth across private sector banks India FY 2015 - FY 2017
- Deposits to total liabilities ratio of scheduled commercial banks in India 1990-2015
- Total capital adequacy rate across public sector banks in India FY 2015 - FY 2017
- Share of net NPA or net advances across banks India FY 2015 - FY 2017
- Volume of PPI payments India FY 2014-2019, by type
- Wage bills to intermediation cost ratio of scheduled commercial banks in India 2015
- Share of net interest margin in all banks across India from FY 2015 - FY 2017
- Share of net interest margin in private sector banks across India FY 2015 - FY 2017
- Value of PPI payments India FY 2014-2019 by type
- Volume of retail electronic clearing India FY 2015-2022
- Credit growth rate of services across banks in India FY 2014-FY 2017
- Deployment of credit across banks in India as of March 2017 by sector
- Customer satisfaction with private sector banks in India 2018
- Percentage internet usage to pay bills or shop India 2017, by type
- Credit growth rate of retail across banks in India FY 2014-FY 2017
- Total deposits of Amex in India 2016-2019
- Credit growth rate of industry across banks in India FY 2014-FY 2017
- Share of net NPA or net worth across public sector banks India FY 2015 - FY 2017
- Return on assets of private sector banks in India FY 2012-2018
- Total capital adequacy rate across all banks in India FY 2015 - FY 2017
- Share of net interest margin in public sector banks across India FY 2015 - FY 2017
- Number of Indian companies acquired - by country 2017
- CASA deposit growth rate across banks in India from FY 2015 - FY 2017
- PE/VC investment deals in the Fintech sector India 2013-2022
- Paper instrument share of total cashless transactions in India 2013-2016
- Share of consumers using tablets for banking activities India 2018 by age group
- Share of net NPA or net advances across public sector banks India FY 2015 - FY 2017
- Leading private sector banks in India 2021 by net sales
- NSE spot market turnover in India FY 2010-FY 2016
- Loan to deposit ratio of foreign sector banks in India FY 2019-2023
- Return on equity in scheduled commercial banks in India 1990-2015
- Operating profits to assets ratio of scheduled commercial banks in India 1990-2015
- Number of cashless transactions in India 2013-2016
- Number of M&A deals in the Fintech sector 2014-2021
- Credit growth rate agriculture and allied activities in banks India FY 2014-FY 2017
- Loan to deposit ratio of nationalized banks in India FY 2012-2021
- NSE interest rate futures turnover in India FY 2010-FY 2016