Statistics about Economy & Politics in India
- Outstanding external debt of the central government of India FY 2009-2023
- Total assets of the central government of India FY 2009-2023
- Net liabilities of the central government of India FY 2009-2023
- Net state domestic product of Haryana at current prices FY 2012-2024
- Multidimensionally poor and deprived population in cooking fuel India 2006 and 2016
- Estimated economic impact from COVID-19 in India 2020-21, by sector
- Net state domestic product of Himachal Pradesh at current prices FY 2012-2024
- Services as a share of GDP in India FY 2021, by industry
- Net state domestic product of Madhya Pradesh at current prices FY 2012-2024
- GDP per capita at current prices in India 2016-2024
- Wholesale Price Index of manufactured products in India FY 2013-2023
- Net state domestic product of Chhattisgarh at current prices FY 2012-2024
- Net state domestic product of Jharkhand at current prices FY 2012-2023
- Net state domestic product of Tamil Nadu at current prices FY 2012-2024
- Net state domestic product of Bihar at current prices FY 2012-2023
- Net state domestic product of Telangana at current prices FY 2012-2024
- Internal debt of the central government of India FY 2009-2023
- Real GVA in manufacturing, construction and utilities sector in India FY 2012-2024
- Share of nominal private final consumption expenditure in GDP in India FY 2011-2023
- Leading construction companies by market capitalization India 2024
- Monthly CPI inflation rate in India 2024
- Cost inflation index in India FY 2002-2024
- Food inflation rate per month India 2021-2024
- Items leading to inflation in India 2023, by type
- Interest rates on small saving schemes in India FY 2022, by type
- Hindalco's production of copper by type, FY 2020-2023
- Hindalco's production of aluminum by type, FY 2020-2023
- Share of services in total export and imports in India FY 2001-2022
- Share in union cooperative banks credit in India FY 2022, by sector
- Annual change in food inflation India FY 2013-2023
- Contribution of agriculture to India's GDP Q2 2018-Q2 2023
- Reserve Bank of India's repo rate 2014-2023
- Net domestic product at current prices across India FY 2012-2020
- Development of average national income and GDP in India 2010-2021
- Municipal performance index Bangalore, India 2020
- Ease of living index Bangalore, India 2020
- Gross district domestic product per capita in Bangalore, India FY 2020
- Monthly GST collection India 2019-2021
- Reserve Bank of India's systemic risk survey India May 2022, by major risk groups
- Profit after tax of Kaveri Seeds FY 2019-FY 2023
- Opinion on impact of war in Ukraine on Indian economy May 2022
- GVA impact from COVID-19 on India FY 2020-2022, by sector
- Economic growth during COVID-19 pandemic in India FY 2022, by sector
- Net state domestic product of Gujarat at current prices FY 2012-2023
- Total liabilities of the central government of India as percent of GDP FY 2009-2023
- Export value of goods and services in GDP at current prices India FY 2012-2024
- GNPA ratio of large borrowers in India FY 2022, by type of bank
- GNPA ratio of personal loans across SCBs in India FY 2022, by category
- GNPA ratio of SCBs in India FY 2022, by sector
- Expectation of instability in global financial system impacting Indian economy 2022
- Opinion on stability of financial system India May 2022
- Estimated quarterly impact from COVID-19 on India's GDP FY 2020-2022
- Workforce distribution of Karnataka from FY 2018-2020, by sector
- Internal liabilities of the Indian central government as percent of GDP FY 2009-2023
- Net state domestic product of Kerala at current prices FY 2012-2023
- Net state domestic product of Maharashtra at current prices FY 2012-2022
- Contribution of manufacturing to India's GDP Q2 2018-Q3 2023
- Contribution of utilities to India's GDP Q2 2018-Q2 2022
- Consumer Price Index (CPI) of housing in India FY 2020-2024
- Annual change in CPI 2015-2023, by country
- Change rate of per capita net national income at current prices in India FY 2013-2024
- Leading states with highest rural manufacturing GDP in India FY 2023
- Real GVA in public administration, defence and services sector in India FY 2012-2024
- Quarterly GDP growth in selected countries 2024
- COVID-19 impact on estimated income group in India 2021, by type
- Estimated economic cost of Maharashtra COVID-19 lockdown India 2021, by sector
- Forecasted real GDP growth rate in India FY 2020-2023, by scenario
- Share of plastic packaging India 2022, by polymer
- Decline in GDP due to climate change India 2030-2050, by scenario
- Change in Consumer Price Index (CPI) in rural and urban India FY 2020-2024
- Adani Power Limited's EBITDA margin FY 2018-2024
- Local purchasing power index in India 2024, by city
- Cost of living index in India 2024, by city
- Trade balance to GDP ratio in India FY 2015-2024
- GVA distribution in India FY 2024, by sector
- Multidimensional Poverty headcount in India 2006-2021
- GDP share of cities in India 2024
- Manufacturing sector's value added as a share of GDP India 2010-2023
- Human development index Bangalore India FY 2022, by area
- Wealth Gini coefficient of India 2000-2022
- Economic contribution share in Karnataka FY 2024, by sector
- Fiscal balance in India - annual percentage change 2014-2019
- Multidimensionally poor and deprived population in nutrition in India 2006-2021
- Multidimensionally poor and deprived population in sanitation in India 2006-2021
- Share of flexible plastic packaging India 2022, by type
- Share of rigid plastic packaging India 2022, by type
- Multidimensionally poor and deprived population in child mortality in India 2006-2021
- Exchange rate of Indian rupee against Thailand baht FY 2010-2024
- Exchange rate of Indian rupee against Brazilian real FY 2010-2024
- Overview of economic outlook growth projections in India 2020-2022
- Share of deprived households in India according to NSSO-71 and NSSO-75, by dimension
- MPI estimates in urban and rural India according to NSSO-71 and NSSO-75
- Distribution of households in poverty in rural and urban India 2019-2020, by quintile
- Distribution of households below poverty line in India 2019-2020, by quantile
- Distribution of monthly consumption expenditure in urban and rural India 2019-2020
- Distribution of monthly consumption expenditure in India in 2019 and 2020
- Above-the-line health and non-health sector fiscal measures for COVID-19 India 2020
- GDP per capita in India and world GDP 2011-2020
- Percent changes in GDP at constant prices in India in 2019 and 2020
- Estimated economic impact from COVID-19 on industry in India 2020