Statistics about Consumer Goods & FMCG in India
- Volume in the Bread & Cereal Products market India 2019-2029
- Volume in the bread & cereal products segment of the food market India 2019-2029
- Volume in the breakfast cereals segment of the food market India 2019-2029
- Revenue in the Bread & Cereal Products market India 2019-2029
- Revenue in the breakfast cereals segment of the food market India 2019-2029
- Revenue in the bread segment of the food market India 2019-2029
- Revenue in the bread & cereal products segment of the food market India 2019-2029
- Volume in the bread segment of the food market India 2019-2029
- Per capita sales volume in the bread & cereal products segment India 2019-2029
- Wholesale Price Index of bakery products in India FY 2013-2024
- Beverage market share of bottled and canned drinks in India - by regions 2016
- Indian retail value sales share of juice 2015, by brand
- Distribution of non alcoholic drinks of Varun Beverages 2014-2025, by volume
- Volume in the Soft Drinks market India 2018-2029
- Revenue of soft drinks in India 2018-2029
- Distribution of carbonated soft drinks in India 2019-2024, by brand
- Size of carbonated soft drink market in India 2019-2024, by type
- Volume in the carbonated soft drinks segment India 2018-2029
- Revenue from operations of Coca-Cola India FY 2015-2024
- Indian market share of RTD soft drink companies 2011/2015, based on volume
- Penetration rate of soft drink brand in India 2012-2013
- Consumption volume of soft drinks in India 2018-2029
- Household consumption of cold beverages in India 2019-2023
- Market size of soda in India 2021-2026
- Wholesale Price Index of carbonated drinks in India FY 2013-2024
- Indian market share of RTD soft drink brands 2012/2015, based on volume
- Production volume of aerated and soft drinks in India FY 2015-2018
- Forecast: soft drink manufacturing revenue India 2008-2018
- Indian retail value sales share of juice 2014-2015, by company
- Share of soft drinks in India 2016, by brand
- Leading detergent companies in India 2024, based on net profit
- Profit of Godrej Consumer Products FY 2015-2024
- Sales growth of health and hygiene products during COVID-19 India 2020
- Expenditure of Godrej Consumer Products FY 2015-2024
- Market share of detergent brands in India 2016
- Operating profit of Godrej Consumer Products FY 2015-2024
- EBITDA of Godrej Consumer Products FY 2015-2024
- EBIT of Godrej Consumer Products FY 2015-2024
- Income of Godrej Consumer Products FY 2015-2024
- Godrej Consumer Products net sales FY 2015-2024
- Sales turnover of Godrej Consumer Products FY 2015-2024
- Production volume of toilet soap in India FY 2015-2018
- Market share of the laundry detergent segment in India 2016, by company
- Production volume of washing soap in India FY 2015-2018
- Detergents production volume in India FY 2015-2020
- Leading detergent companies in India based on market capitalization 2018
- Total revenue of Godrej Consumer Products Limited 2013-2024
- Household care market distribution India - by product type 2015
- Household care product market size in India 2015-2020
- Share of online apparel and footwear sales in India 2013-2016
- Household care product share in the Indian FMCG market 2015-2020
- Shares issued by Godrej Consumer Products India FY 2015-2024
- Volume CAGR of the home care industry in India - by type 2014-2016
- Relative Nifty price performance Jyothy Laboratories Limited 2009-2018
- Leading detergent companies in India 2020, based on net sales
- Forecast: brooms and brushes manufacturing revenue India 2008-2018
- Profit before tax of Tata Coffee FY 2016-2023
- Total income of Tata Coffee FY 2016-2023
- Average retail price of coffee beans Hyderabad India 2007-2020, by type
- Retail price index of white sugar India 2023
- Retail price index of coffee powder in India 2023
- Market share of leading coffee brands in India 2022
- Volume in the Tea market India 2012-2025
- Average retail price of coffee beans Chennai India 2007-2020, by type
- Revenue in the tea segment of the hot drinks market India 2019-2029
- Total distribution of coffee in India 2019/2020-2024/2025
- Market share of leading tea brands across India 2016
- Revenue from operations of Vahdam Teas FY 2020-2023
- Indian tea exports volume FY 2024, by destination country
- Revenue in the Tea market India 2012-2025
- Import value of tea in India FY 2014-2023
- Net profit of Tata Coffee FY 2018-2023
- Import volume of tea into India FY 2014-2023
- Average retail price of coffee beans Bangalore India 2007-2022, by type
- Total revenue of beverage omnichannel brands India FY 2022
- Total funding of beverage omnichannel brands India 2022
- Beverage market share of coffee in India 2016, by region
- Total revenue of McLeod Russel FY 2013-2023
- Wholesale Price Index of tea in India FY 2012-2024
- Number of organized cafe chains across India in 2017-2020
- Coffee export volume India FY 2023, by country
- Daily wages for coffee plantation workers India FY 2023, by state
- Coffee export volume India 2023/2024, by type
- Beverage market share of tea in India 2016, by region
- Average price of tea in India FY 2023, by category
- Wholesale Price Index of processed tea and coffee India FY 2013-2024
- Total revenue of Goodricke Group Ltd FY 2013-2023
- Leading tea and coffee companies India 2024, by market capitalization
- Consumption volume of tea in India FY 2015-2022
- Forecast: tea and coffee processing revenue India 2008-2018
- Indian tea exports value FY 2024, by destination country
- Coffee consumption in India 2016/2017-2023/2024
- Revenue of Tata Coffee FY 2018-2023
- Revenue of CCL Products FY 2016-2024
- Average revenue per capita of coffee market in India 2018-2028
- Revenue of RTD coffee and tea in India 2018-2029
- Revenue of coffee market in India 2018-2028
- Volume in the tea segment of the hot drinks market India 2019-2029
- Net profit of CCL Products FY 2016-2024
- EPS of Continental Coffee Products Limited FY 2016-2024