Statistics about Consumer Goods & FMCG in India
- Frequency of drinking non-alcoholic beer in India 2019 by age group
- Reasons for drinking non-alcoholic beer in India 2019 by gender
- Reasons for drinking non-alcoholic beer in India 2019
- Reasons for drinking non-alcoholic beer in India 2019 by age group
- Frequency of functional beverage consumption in India 2019
- Reasons for trying functional beverages in India 2019
- Frequency of functional beverage consumption in India 2019 by age
- Monthly per capita beverage consumption value in India -by regions 2016
- Volume of carbonated cola beverages market in India 2011-2021
- Regional distribution of the soft drinks market volume in India 2015
- Market volume growth of the beverage industry in India - by type 2016-2021
- Market value growth of the beverage industry in India - by type 2016-2021
- Market volume growth of the beverage industry in India 2012-2021
- Market value growth of the beverage industry in India 2012-2021
- Distribution of the beverage market volume in India - by type 2016
- CPI of non-alcoholic beverages in India 2022-2024
- Revenue from operations of Paper Boat FY 2020-2024
- Revenue in the Bottled Water market India 2014-2027
- Volume in the Bottled Water market India 2014-2027
- Market share of health food drinks in India 2017 by company
- Market share of the premium health food drinks in India in 2017 by company
- Beverage market share in India - by regions 2016
- Consumption value of non-alcoholic beverages in India FY 2012-2016
- Volume of the non-cola carbonated beverages market in India 2011-2021
- Beverages and processed food as a share of Indian food consumption1993-2021
- Places of functional beverage purchase in India 2019
- Beverages market share in rural and urban India - by type 2016
- Market value of non-alcoholic beverages in India FY 2020-2027, by type
- Tea retail market in India 2014-2017, by value
- Beverage market share of juices in India - by regions 2016
- Share of health food drinks in India 2017 by age at first adoption
- Indian coffee exports value FY 2023, by country
- Regional market volume growth of the soft drinks industry in India 2010-2015
- Domestic revenue share of Varun Beverages Limited in India 2014-2021
- Size of juices, nectar, and still drink market in India 2019-2024
- Market size of soft drink industry in India 2019-2024, by type
- Consumption value of organic beverages in India 2016-2022
- Revenue of non-alcoholic beverage in India 2018-2029
- Volume of low calorie carbonated cola beverages market in India 2011-2021
- Distribution of the beverage market value in India - by type 2016
- Share of value priced segment of health drinks in India 2017 by company
- Awareness of non-alcoholic beverages among Indians 2019 by gender
- Mothers' reasons for introducing health food drinks in India 2017
- Beverages market share in India - by type 2016
- Net sales of Varun Beverages Limited in India 2015-2023
- Volume of carbonated mixer beverages market in India 2011-2021
- Pepsi's market share of the juice beverages industry in India 2011-2016
- Pepsi's market share of the bottled water industry in India 2011-2016
- Places of functional beverage purchase in India 2019 by age
- Market value of the juice beverages industry in India 2011-2021
- Pepsi's market share of the carbonated beverages industry in India 2011-2016
- Volume in the juices segment of the non-alcoholic drinks market India 2018-2029
- Volume in the non-alcoholic drinks market India 2018-2029
- Market share of soft drink industry India 2021, by type
- Market value of Varun Beverages Limited India - by type 2016
- Export value of tea and coffee from India FY 2011-2024
- Places of functional beverage purchase in India 2019 by gender
- Awareness of non-alcoholic beverages among Indians 2019 by age
- Awareness of non-alcoholic beverages among Indians 2019
- Factors for non-alcoholic beverage purchase among Indians 2019 by age
- Factors for non-alcoholic beverage purchase among Indians 2019 by gender
- Factors for non-alcoholic beverage purchase among Indians 2019
- Volume of carbonated lemonade and lime beverages market in India 2011-2021
- Volume of carbonated beverages market in India 2011-2021
- Relative Nifty price performance Colgate-Palmolive India 2009-2018
- Total revenue of Colgate-Palmolive India 2013-2024
- Production volume of toothpaste in India FY 2015-2021
- Share of organic food market in India FY 2020, by channel
- Organic food market size across India FY 2015-2025
- Consumption value of organic packaged food in India 2016-2022
- Share of organic food market by type 2014-15
- Revenue of organic food and beverages market FY 2020, by company
- Packaged organic food and beverages market share by company in India 2016
- The organic food market size in India - by type 2014-15
- Production volume of organic products in India FY 2023, by category
- Market size of organic fresh food in India FY 2015-2025
- Retail value of food and grocery in urban India 2020-2025, by segment
- Consumption value of organic packaged food and beverage in India 2016-2022
- Production of organic food in India FY 2016 by category
- Share of organic exports in India in 2016 by product
- Sales growth of naturally healthy packaged food in India 2018-2022, by product type
- Naturally healthy packaged food sales India 2023, by product type
- Total domestic demand for vegetable oil India FY 2016-2022
- Market size of organic packaged food in India FY 2015-2025
- Export value of organic products from India 2020, by leading destination
- Organic exports value in India FY 2011 to FY 2016
- Market size of packed organic food and beverages in India 2011-2016
- Turnover of top organic companies in India 2018
- Share of organic food market in India FY 2020, by region
- Export value of organic food products from India 2021, by category
- Market share of organic crops across India FY 2010 by category
- Import value of essential oils and resinoids India 2016-2022
- Market share of deodorant brands in India 2020
- Impact of COVID-19 on average monthly value sales of deodorants in India 2020
- Wholesale Price Index of perfumes in India FY 2013-2024
- Share of pet food at pet shops India 2014-2021
- Share of pet food at hypermarkets in India 2014-2018
- CAGR of pet food in India 2014-2018 by channel
- Market value of dog food sector India 2014-2028
- Share of pet food at supermarkets India 2014-2018