Statistics about Life in China
- Willingness to take action on climate change in China 2020
- Mental well-being of career women in China 2019, by age group
- Five major reasons for weaker personal energy during coronavirus crisis in China 2020
- Main stress factors among women at work in China 2019
- Level of concerns without cash in China 2017
- Main stress factors among career women in China 2019
- Most concerning environmental issues in China 2019-2020
- Policy suggestions to reduce plastic use in China 2019
- Level of concern about disposable/non-recyclable products in China 2019
- Respondents' views on the likelihood of proving the existence of ghosts China 2019
- Mental well-being of career women in China 2019
- Frequency of fearing being old among respondents in China 2020
- Major causes of stress for men that have kids in China 2021
- Most common concerns in China 2020, by topic
- Responsibility for reducing plastic use in China 2019
- Respondents' views on the likelihood of loneliness China 2020
- Average perceived and actual death rate in China 2019, by death cause
- Opinion on the direction of their country in China 2020
- Share of working women experiencing pregnancy related depression in China 2019
- Individual actions to reduce plastic use in China 2019
- Share of Chinese children with an interest in celebrity news 2014, by grade
- Best-paid celebrities from China 2017
- Share of internet celebrities signing advertising contracts China 2013-2017
- Most valuable celebrities for commercial purposes in China 2024
- Areas of primary schools children more concerned by parents in China 2019
- Forgiving other people as a source of happiness among Chinese 2020
- Areas of kindergarten children more concerned by parents in China 2019
- Level of attention towards child sexual assault issues in Greater China 2021
- Parents considered poor health due to unhealthy diet China 2019, by school level
- Share of parents supporting kids doing sports in China 2019, by school level of kid
- Fathers' opinion on meaning of children to them in China 2019
- Distribution of women feeling anxious during parenting in China 2020
- Daily time spent with young kids by fathers in China 2019
- Main difficulties with young kids for fathers in China 2019
- Share of young people who are willing to have kids in China 2021, by age
- Biggest difficulties with teenage kids for fathers in China 2019
- Main reasons for fathers to get a second child in China 2019
- Reasons for not wanting children in China 2024, by gender
- Acceptance for marriage partner's high income among males in China 2021
- Main reasons for fathers to not get a second child in China 2019
- Share of thirty years old respondents facing family pressure to marry in China 2020
- Daily time spent with older kids by fathers in China 2019
- Decision factors for having more children in China 2022
- Professional development changes after childbirth in China 2021
- Father's role in family assessment in China 2024, by gender
- Areas of senior high schools children more concerned by parents in China 2019
- Main difficulties with kids for fathers in China 2019
- Attitudes of fathers towards balancing work and family in China 2019
- Choices of infant feeding in China 2018
- Children as a source of happiness among Chinese 2020
- Number of LGBTQ friends/family people had in China 2023
- China - usage of baby products 2016-2018
- Time length of children doing sports after work in China 2019, by age
- Share of parents who conducted anti-sexual abuse education to their kids China 2019
- Duration of children doing sports per time outside school in China 2019
- Preferred educational models for autistic children among their parents in China 2020
- Areas of junior high schools children more concerned by parents in China 2019
- Main caregivers for babies in China 2022, by city tier
- Most popular social activities among Chinese HNWIs 2017
- Share of parents who controlled their kids' online usage in China 2019
- Intention to have children in China 2021, by age group
- Distribution of monthly parenting spending in China 2022
- Opinion on advantages of electronic devices for children in China 2020
- Willingness of having more children among pregnant women and mothers in China 2021
- Postnatal relationship changes in families in China 2021
- Respondents who felt the previous year was bad for China 2019-2020
- Average daily time spent on parenting on weekends among parents in China 2020
- Primary caregiver for child during and after lactation period in China 2021
- Chinese parents' anxiety level on their children's growth 2019
- Activities decreased for saving time or money as a father in China 2019
- Mothers' concerns regarding their children's physical development in China 2024
- Key factors influencing children's growth in mothers' perspectives in China 2024
- Average rehab training time during coronavirus among autistic children in China 2020
- Distribution of monthly children's education spending in China 2022
- Average daily time spent on parenting on weekdays among parents in China 2020
- Share of children doing regular sports per week in China 2019, by school
- Major out-of-school activities among kids in China 2020
- Average hours parents spent on reading together with their kids in China 2020
- Most common pregnancy preparation measurements in China 2019
- Change in family relationships due to the COVID-19 outbreak in China 2020
- Main shoppers for groceries during coronavirus outbreak in China 2020
- Frequency of children doing sports after school in China 2019
- Frequency of parents accompanying their children in China 2020
- Share of pregnant women who took supplements in China 2019
- Opinion on disadvantages of electronic devices for kids in China 2020
- Frequency of parents doing sports after work with children in China 2019
- Friends as a source of happiness among Chinese 2020
- Willingness to have children in China 2023, by gender
- Fathers' attitudes towards supporting equal parenting in China 2021, by generation
- Time length of parents doing sports after work per week in China 2019
- Parents considered poor health due to unhealthy lifestyle China 2019, by school level
- Impact of coronavirus on lower-class women in China 2020
- Major ways to rehabilitate during coronavirus among autistic children in China 2020
- Time duration of parents doing sports after work in China 2019, by age of kids
- Share of parents doing regular sports with kids in China 2019, by kids' age
- Parents considered poor health due to lack of exercise China 2019, by school level
- Employment status of women with children in China 2018-2020
- Satisfaction with family life in China 2006-2014
- Greatest happiness sources in China 2020
- Gender stereotyping advice received from colleagues at work in China 2024, by gender