Statistics about Technology & Telecommunications in Bahrain
- Share of cloud computing market amongst SMEs in GCC by deployment type 2016
- Forecasted net ROI impact of generative Al cloud MENA 2030
- Share of cloud computing market amongst large GCC enterprises by deployment type 2016
- Forecasted value of impact of cloud use cases MENA 2030, by source of value
- Added EBITDA of cloud use MENA 2030 forecast, by industry
- Share added value of cloud use MENA 2030 forecast, by industry
- Number of companies impacted by cloud use MENA 2030, by industry
- Air conditioning demand in Bahrain 2012-2021
- Per capita sales volume in the small appliances segment Bahrain 2019-2029
- ARPU in the small appliances segment Bahrain 2019-2029
- Average revenue per unit (ARPU) in the household appliances market Bahrain 2019-2029
- ARPU in the major appliances segment Bahrain 2019-2029
- Average revenue per unit (ARPU) in the Household Appliances market Bahrain 2019-2029
- Per capita sales volume in the Household Appliances market Bahrain 2019-2029
- Per capita sales volume in the major appliances segment Bahrain 2019-2029
- Per capita sales volume in the household appliances market Bahrain 2019-2029
- Average revenue per unit (ARPU) in the Major Appliances market Bahrain 2019-2029
- Per capita sales volume in the Major Appliances market Bahrain 2019-2029
- Number of mobile subscriptions in Bahrain 2012-2017
- Value of retail mobile revenue in Bahrain 2012-2016
- Mobile technology share GCC 2018-2025
- Mobile technology share MENA 2019-2025
- Per capita sales volume in the Small Appliances market Bahrain 2019-2029
- Average revenue per unit (ARPU) in the Small Appliances market Bahrain 2019-2029
- technology industry growth rate in MENA by country 2012-2013