Statistics about Energy & Environment in APAC
- Green ammonia market volume APAC 2021-2030
- Green ammonia market revenue APAC 2021-2030, by country
- Asia Pacific: biofuels production 2000-2035
- Asia-Pacific carbon capture and storage market size 2021-2031
- Number of climate technology unicorns APAC 2023, by segment
- Renewable energy share of energy consumed Pacific region 1990-2019
- Wind energy infrastructure satisfaction rate APAC 2019, by country
- Smart lighting market value Asia-Pacific 2017-2024
- Energy-related CO2 emissions APAC 2000-2040
- Technology market share of waste to energy market APAC 2018, by type
- Solar energy infrastructure satisfaction rate APAC 2019, by country
- Leading climate technology unicorns APAC 2023, by valuation
- Forecasted natural gas demand APAC 2019-2050
- Share of fossil fuels in power generation APAC 2023, by country
- LNG export volume APAC 2023, by selected country
- Oil refinery throughput APAC 2023, by country
- Coal power projects' net present value in Asia 2021, by select country
- Coal energy exports APAC 2023, by selected country
- LNG import volume APAC 2023, by country
- Fossil fuel consumption per capita APAC 2023, by country
- Coal energy imports APAC 2023, by selected country
- Number of disasters APAC 2000-2020, by type
- Number of disaster-induced internal displacements APAC 2010-2021, by subregion
- Internal displacements due to weather-related disasters APAC 2010-2021, by type
- Number of disaster-induced internal displacements APAC 2010-2021, by country
- Annual average losses from climate hazards APAC 2020, by country
- Annual average number of natural disaster deaths APAC 1970-2020, by type
- Internal displacements due to geophysical disasters APAC 2010-2021, by type
- Population size affected by natural hazards APAC 2020, by subregion
- Risk index for natural disasters APAC 2024, by country
- Number of deaths from natural disasters APAC 1970-2023, by subregion
- Economic damage from natural disasters APAC 2022, by type
- Share of natural disaster fatalities APAC 1970-2022, by type
- Number of deaths from natural disasters APAC 2022, by type
- Annual average disaster damage as share of GDP APAC 1980-2018, by type
- Population size affected by disasters APAC 2000-2020, by type
- Nuclear energy generation APAC 2023, by selected country
- Share of nuclear energy in power generation APAC 2023, by selected country
- Nuclear energy demand APAC 2000-2050
- Nuclear infrastructure satisfaction rate APAC 2019 by country
- Plastic waste collected for recycling APAC 1990-2019, by country or subregion
- Renewable energy attractiveness score APAC 2018, by country
- Forecast biogas market value in Asia-Pacific 2022-2030, by country
- Hydrogen ecosystem units in Asia Pacific 2033, by country
- Share of renewable energy in power generation APAC 2023, by country
- Electricity generated from renewables in APAC 2015, by country
- Solar energy capacity APAC 2023, by country
- Investment in renewables APAC 2010-2019
- Energy consumption from renewables APAC 2017, by country
- Hydropower capacity APAC 2023, by country
- Share of wind energy in power generation APAC 2023, by country
- Hydropower consumption in Asia Pacific 1998-2023
- Share of hydropower in electricity generation APAC 2023, by country
- Investment in renewables capacity APAC 2019, by country or region
- Annual electricity generation from solar photovoltaics in Asia Pacific 2010-2022
- Total installed hydropower capacity in East Asia and Pacific 2023, by country
- Hydro energy demand APAC 2000-2050
- Number of renewable energy jobs Southeast Asia 2016, by technology
- Other renewables energy demand APAC 2000-2050
- Share of solar power in electricity generation APAC 2023, by country
- Wind energy capacity APAC 2023, by country
- Hydropower production volume APAC 2022, by country
- Wind energy production volume APAC 2022, by country
- Investment growth in renewables capacity APAC 2019, by country or region
- New offshore wind power installations capacity Asia 2021-2030, by country
- Assets of renewable energy deals APAC 2019, by project
- Solar energy production APAC 2022, by country
- CAGR of new offshore wind power installations Asia 2021-2031
- Renewable energy generation APAC 2023, by country
- Most-collected marine debris items APAC 2020, by country
- Share of plastic beach litter ending up as ocean waste APAC 2021, by country
- Beach litter per square kilometer APAC 2018, by country
- Emotions felt regarding ocean pollution APAC 2022
- Volume of plastic beach litter ending up as ocean waste APAC 2021, by country
- Share of consumers worried about ocean pollution APAC 2022, by country
- Volume of plastic beach litter ending up as ocean waste APAC 2017-2021
- Share of waste treated per disposal method APAC 2018, by subregion
- Amount of mismanaged plastic waste APAC 2019, by subregion
- Share of worldwide mismanaged plastic waste APAC 2025, by subregion
- East Asia and Pacific regions - composition of municipal waste 2025
- Consumer share valuing sustainable products and packaging APAC 2022-2023
- Per capita amount of mismanaged plastic waste APAC 2019, by country
- Leading sustainable practices adopted APAC 2023
- Marine plastic pollution per capita APAC 2019, by country
- Plastic waste import volume APAC 2024, by country
- Per capita amount of mismanaged plastic waste APAC 2019, by subregion
- Import and export share of total waste APAC 2024, by country
- Plastic waste export volume APAC 2024, by country
- Amount of mismanaged plastic waste APAC 2024, by country or territory
- Plastic waste volume per capita APAC 2024, by country
- Share of global marine plastic pollution APAC 2019, by country
- Willingness to pay more for sustainable products APAC 2023, by generation
- Consumer share valuing sustainable products and packaging APAC 2023, by generation
- Plastic waste volume produced APAC 2024, by country
- Mismanaged Waste Index APAC 2024, by country
- Chemical additives volume released into waterways APAC 2024, by country
- Water supply and sewerage satisfaction rate APAC 2019 by country
- Ocean health index score APAC 2023, by country or territory