Statistics about Transportation & Logistics in Tunisia
- Number of outbound flights in Tunisia 2015-2019
- Number of inbound flights in Tunisia 2015-2019
- Number of flights in Tunisia 2015-2019
- Number of bus passengers in Tunisia 2019, by company
- Share of students in total bus passengers in Tunisia 2019, by company
- Number of buses in use in Tunisia 2019, by company
- Number of buses in Tunisia 2019, by company
- Number of commercial vehicle sales in Tunisia 2005-2019
- Number of commercial vehicles in use in Tunisia 2005-2015
- Logistics Performance Index (LPI) scores in Tunisia 2018, by indicator
- Number of commercial flights at Tunisia’s airports 2019-2021
- Main airports in Tunisia 2020, by number of flights
- Number of outbound air passengers from Tunisia 2019-2021
- Number of inbound air passengers in Tunisia 2019-2021
- Number of light vehicles in use in Tunisia 2005-2015
- Number of light vehicle sales in Tunisia 2005-2019
- Share of students in total railway passengers in Tunisia 2019, by company
- Average distance traveled by railway passengers in Tunisia 2015-2019
- Number of passengers using railway transport in Tunisia 2019, by railway company
- Length of railway lines in use in Tunisia 2019
- Length of railway lines not in use in Tunisia 2019
- Import value of road vehicles and transport equipment into Tunisia 2019-2020, by type
- Market share of leading vehicle brands in Tunisia 2020
- Number of public transport vehicles in Tunis by type 2015
- Number of road accidents in Tunisia 2019, by area
- Monthly number of light vehicle registrations in Tunisia 2019-2020
- Number of injuries and deaths caused by road accidents in Tunisia 2019-2020
- Number of road accidents in Tunisia 2019, by governorate
- Number of car rental facilities in Tunisia in 2019, by governorate