Statistics about Finance & Insurance in Tunisia
- Share of population owning debit cards in Tunisia 2024, by gender
- Share of population owning credit cards in Tunisia 2024, by gender
- Market share of the Islamic banking sector in North Africa 2022, by total assets
- Total bank deposits in Tunisia Q1 2019-Q1 2022
- Commercial bank branches per 100,000 adults in Tunisia 2010-2021
- Bank assets as a share of GDP in Tunisia 2014-2021
- Banking return on average equity (ROAE) in Tunisia 2019-2022
- Exchange rate of Tunisian dinar to U.S. dollar 2000-2021
- Broad money as share of GDP in Tunisia 2010-2019
- Monthly foreign exchange reserves of Tunisia 2020-2021
- Value of M3 money supply in Tunisia 2019-2021
- Share of population owning a bank account in Tunisia 2024, by gender
- Share of people with account at a financial institution in Tunisia 2024, by gender
- Scores of the Islamic Finance Country Index in the MENA region 2019, by country
- Usage of mortgages in Tunisia 2022, by gender
- Usage rate of investment products in Tunisia 2022, by gender
- Market capitalization in Tunisia 2010-2019
- Portfolio investment inflows in Tunisia 2010-2018
- Total investment as share of GDP in Tunisia 2010-2023
- International reserves of Tunisia 2010-2020
- Money market interest rate in Tunisia 2001-2017
- Value of FDI inflow in Tunisia 2010-2018
- Monthly gross international reserves of Tunisia 2020-2021
- Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) assets of Tunisia 2020-2021
- Monthly gold assets of Tunisia 2020-2021
- Gross international reserves of Tunisia 2010-2021
- Remittances inflow as a share of GDP in Tunisia 2004-2023
- Leading financial service providers in Tunisia 2022, by type
- Annual value of incoming personal remittances in Tunisia 2018-2022
- Leading financial services used in Tunisia 2022, by type
- Bank account penetration rate in Tunisia 2022, by area
- Share of fintech companies in North Africa 2020, by select countries
- Share of population owning mobile money account in Tunisia 2024, by gender
- Share of people using online banking in Tunisia 2024, by gender
- Gross insurance premiums in Africa 2022, by country
- Countries in Africa with most outgoing remittances, by receiving region 2021
- Share of people making or receiving digital payments in Tunisia 2024, by gender
- Decrease in remittances due to COVID-19 in North Africa 2020, by country
- Countries in Africa with most incoming remittances, by sending region 2021
- Credit card ownership in Tunisia 2024, by gender
- Share of people paying bills online in Tunisia 2024, by gender
- Debit card ownership rate in Tunisia 2024, by gender
- Mobile money account ownership rate in Tunisia 2024, by gender
- Remittance costs in Africa as of Q1 2024, by country
- Value of e-payment transactions in Tunisia 2021-2022
- Number of e-payment transactions in Tunisia 2021-2022
- Number of electronic payments and cash-outs in Tunisia 2021-2022
- Share of the value of electronic payments and cash-outs in Tunisia 2021-2022
- Value of electronic payments and cash-outs in Tunisia 2021-2022
- Number of companies listed in the stock exchange in Tunisia 2013-2020
- Market capitalization of listed domestic companies as GDP share in Tunisia 2013-2022