Statistics about Agriculture in Tunisia
- Olive production in North Africa 2022, by country
- Production of cereals in Tunisia 2016-2021, by type
- Import of cereals into Tunisia 2020, by type
- Agricultural land area used for cereal production in Tunisia 2020, by region
- Consumption of wheat in Tunisia 2016-2021
- Consumption of barley in Tunisia 2016-2021
- Cereal yield in Tunisia 2015-2020, by type
- Production of olives in Tunisia 2016-2021
- Production of citrus fruits in Tunisia 2016-2021
- Production of potatoes in Tunisia 2016-2021
- Production of tomatoes in Tunisia 2016-2021
- Agricultural area in Tunisia 2019/2020, by crop type
- Agricultural production in Tunisia 2020-2021, by product
- Olive oil production in North Africa 2016-2020, by country
- Production of cereals in Tunisia 2010-2021
- Cereal production in North Africa 2021, by country
- Agricultural area used for cereals in Tunisia 2015-2023, by cereal type
- Annual percentage change in olive oil production in Tunisia 2011-2020
- Share of agricultural land use in Tunisia 2020, by type
- Agricultural areas in Tunisia 2010-2020, by type
- Production of dates in Tunisia 2017-2021
- Production of bottled olive oil in Tunisia 2015-2018
- Production of olive oil in Tunisia 2010-2020
- Agricultural land area in Tunisia 1990-2020
- Use of fertilizer for agriculture in Tunisia 2015-2019, by nutrient
- Organic agricultural land area in Tunisia 2019, by crop type
- Fisheries and aquaculture production in Tunisia 2019, by governorate
- Production value of fisheries and aquaculture in Tunisia 2010-2022
- Fisheries and aquaculture production in Tunisia 2019, by fishing method
- Fisheries and aquaculture production in Tunisia 2010-2019
- Area of land burned by forest fires in Tunisia 2010-2020
- Number of heads of livestock in Tunisia 2014-2018, by type
- Stock of live animals in Tunisia 2021, by species
- Livestock stock in Tunisia 2023, by species
- Organic share of agricultural land in Tunisia 2010-2020
- Export value of agricultural organic products in Tunisia 2014-2029
- Agricultural organic products exported from Tunisia 2014-2020
- Number of organic farming producers in Tunisia 2010-2020
- Agricultural area used for organic production in Tunisia 2014-2020
- Organic share of agricultural and food export 2014-2020