Statistics about Society in South Africa
- Highest number of kidnappings in South Africa 2023/2024, by location
- Household distribution in South Africa 2022, by geotype and province
- Share of children of the total population in South Africa 2018, by age group
- Number of women in South Africa 2022, by province
- Share of women in South Africa 2022, by province
- Population of South Africa 2022, by age group and gender
- Share of women in South Africa 2022, by population group
- Number of female-headed households in South Africa 2021, by province
- Number of people living in extreme poverty in South Africa 2016-2030
- National poverty line in South Africa from 2015-2023
- Forecast: religious organizations revenue South Africa 2008-2018
- Forecast: intellectual property lease revenue South Africa 2009-2018
- Global Innovation Index ranking of South Africa 2011-2020
- Global innovation Index score in South Africa 2011-2020
- Forecast: social science and humanities R&D revenue South Africa 2008-2018
- Forecast: biotechnology R&D revenue South Africa 2008-2018
- Number of sexual offenses in South Africa 2012-2023
- Number of contact crimes committed against women in South Africa 2023/2024, by type
- Crime index in South Africa 2014-2024
- Causative factors of kidnapping in South Africa FY 2023/24-2024/25
- Discovery health medial aid main member price range in South Africa 2023. by plan
- Share of households that reported robbery in South Africa 2022/2023
- Number of police personnel in South Africa 2021/2022, by program
- Total expenditure on police personnel in South Africa 2021/2022, by program
- Number of inmates versus approved bed space in South Africa 2021/2022, by province
- Number of arrests related to contact crimes in South Africa 2021/2022, by type
- Most hijacked cars in South Africa 2023, by brand
- Number of sexual offenses in South Africa 2019-2022, by province
- Number of kidnappings in South Africa 2022/23-2023/24, by province
- Number of contact crimes committed against children in South Africa 2023/24, by type
- Total number of contact crimes in South Africa 2021/2022, by type
- Number of rape offenses in South Africa 2022/2023, by province
- Number of carjackings in South Africa 2022/2023, by suburb
- Number of domestic violence-related crimes in South Africa 2022/2023, by gender
- Most dangerous cities in South Africa 2024
- Number of contact crimes in South Africa 2022/2023-2023/2024, by type
- Number of sexual offenses in South Africa 2022/2023, by crime
- Monthly number of households that experienced robbery in South Africa 2023
- Number of truck hijackings in South Africa FY 2009-2023
- Number of crime cases finalized with a verdict in South Africa 2023/2024, by type
- Number of convictions in South Africa 2023/2024, by type
- Number of carjackings in South Africa FY 2009-2024
- Inmate population in South Africa 2021/2022, by province
- Common areas where contact crime occurs in South Africa 2022/2023
- Number of contact crimes in South Africa Q3 2022/2023-2023/2024, by type
- Occurrence of multiple murders in South Africa 2022/2023, by factor
- Causative factors for five and more counts of murder in South Africa 2022/2023
- Number of non-residential robberies in South Africa 2022/2023, by province
- Number of household robberies in South Africa 2022/2023, by province
- Number of medical schemes in South Africa 2011-2021, by type
- Common areas where rape occurs in South Africa 2022/2023
- Common areas where sexual offenses occurs in South Africa 2022/2023
- Number of multiple murders in South Africa 2022/2023, by province