Statistics about Agriculture in South Africa
- Industry revenue of “agricultural and livestock research“ in South Africa 2011-2023
- Agriculture sector's value-added to GDP in South Africa 2016-2023
- Agriculture sector's growth rate of value added to GDP in South Africa 2016-2023
- French agri-food exports to African countries in 2018
- Number of people employed in agriculture in South Africa Q4 2023, by region
- Employment in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing in South Africa 2013-2021
- Processed barley in South Africa 2000-2019
- Dry beans production by province in South Africa 2019/2020
- Production of dry beans in South Africa 2000-2020
- Processed volume of canola in South Africa 2000-2019
- Production of canola in South Africa 2000-2019
- Gross production value of canola in South Africa 2000-2019
- South African grape production volume 2013/14-2015/16
- Barley production in South Africa in 2019, by province
- Gross production value of barley in South Africa 2000-2019
- Production of lint cotton in South Africa 2010-2019
- Production of maize in South Africa 2000-2022
- Export volume of maize and maize products in South Africa 2000-2023
- Maize production in South Africa 2022/2023, by province
- Production of sugar cane in South Africa 2000-2023
- Production of tobacco by type in South Africa 2000-2018
- Gross production value of cotton in South Africa 2000-2019
- Production of pineapples in South Africa 2000-2019
- Production of tobacco in South Africa 2000-2018
- Production of strawberries in South Africa 2000-2019
- Production of apples in South Africa 2000-2019
- Production of apricots in South Africa 2000-2019
- Sales volume of apricots in markets from South Africa 2000-2019
- Production of pears in South Africa 2000-2019
- Production of peaches and nectarines in South Africa 2000-2019
- Production of plums in South Africa 2000-2019
- Production of prunes and cherries in South Africa 2000-2019
- Production of figs in South Africa 2000-2019
- Production of melons in South Africa 2000-2019
- Production of sugar from sugar cane in South Africa 2000-2022
- Production of avocado in South Africa 2000-2019
- Gross production value of avocados in South Africa 2000-2019
- Production of bananas in South Africa 2000-2019
- Production of guavas in South Africa 2000-2019
- Production of mangos in South Africa 2000-2019
- Gross production value of mangos in South Africa 2000-2019
- Production of papayas in South Africa 2000-2019
- Gross production value of pineapples in South Africa 2000-2019
- Price index of sugar cane produced in South Africa 2000-2021
- Gross value of sugar cane produced in South Africa 2000-2022
- Grape production in South Africa 2000-2021
- Production of groundnuts in South Africa 2000-2020
- Export volume of sunflower seeds in South Africa 2000-2021
- Export value of maize from South Africa 2000-2022
- Production of oranges in South Africa 2000-2021
- Sunflower seeds production in South Africa 2019/2020, by province
- Processed sunflower seeds in South Africa 2000-2021
- Groundnuts production in South Africa 2019/2020, by province
- Production of sunflower seeds in South Africa 2000-2020
- Wheat production in South Africa by province in 2019
- Potato production in South Africa 2000-2022
- Production of wheat in South Africa 2000-2021
- Production of grain sorghum in South Africa 2000-2020
- Forecast: crop production support activities revenue South Africa 2008-2018
- Grain sorghum production in South Africa by province in 2019/2020
- Gross value of wheat produced in South Africa 2000-2019
- Gross value of maize produced in South Africa 2000-2019
- Land used for crop production in South Africa 2019, by tenure
- Leading agricultural products in South Africa 2022, by harvested area
- Gross production value of tobacco in South Africa 2000-2018
- Production of soya beans in South Africa 2000-2022
- Production of barley in South Africa 2000-2019
- Export volume of soy beans from South Africa 2000-2020
- Processed soya beans in South Africa 2000-2021
- Soya beans production in South Africa by province 2019/2020
- Main crops produced in South Africa 2022, by production volume
- Production of oats in South Africa 2000-2019
- Organic agricultural land area in South Africa 2020, by crop type
- Organic agricultural land area South Africa 2000-2020
- Organic share of agricultural land area in South Africa 2000-2020
- Share of agricultural land in South Africa 2000-2021
- Income from agriculture in South Africa 2020, by product type
- Agricultural land in South Africa 2000-2021
- Export value of oranges from South Africa 2000-2022
- Income in agriculture industry in South Africa 2021
- Income from animals and animal products in South Africa 2021
- Distribution of land use in South Africa 2019
- Share of agricultural households in South Africa 2022, by province
- Sales of animals in South Africa 2022, by type
- Share of agricultural land use in South Africa 2020, by type
- Forecast: marine aquaculture revenue South Africa 2008-2018
- Forecast: freshwater aquaculture revenue South Africa 2008-2018
- Forecast: marine fishing revenue South Africa 2008-2018
- Forecast: freshwater fishing revenue South Africa 2008-2018
- Forecast: logging revenue South Africa 2008-2018
- Forecast: wood sawmilling and planing revenue South Africa 2008-2018
- Forecast: wood-based panels manufacturing revenue South Africa 2008-2018
- Forecast: forestry support services revenue South Africa 2008-2018
- Forecast: silviculture forestry activities revenue South Africa 2008-2018
- Broilers slaughtered in South Africa 2015 & 2016
- Import value of wheat in South Africa 2000-2022
- Chicken production volume in South Africa 2010-2020
- Leading poultry production in South Africa 2022 by species
- Sheep meat production volume in South Africa 2010-2022
- Number of turkey population in South Africa 2010-2022