Statistics about Society in Kenya
- Crude death rate in Kenya 2019, by county
- Adolescent fertility rate in Kenya 2012-2022
- Main causes of deaths in Kenya 2019
- Main causes of deaths among men in Kenya 2019
- Fertility rate in Kenya 2019, by county
- Mean age of childbearing in Kenya 2010-2021
- Number of births in Kenya 2016-2022
- Share of deaths in Kenya 2016-2020, by gender
- Number of deaths in Kenya 2016-2020
- Share of births in Kenya 2016-2020, by gender
- Crude birth rate in Kenya 2019, by county
- Main causes of deaths in Kenya 2019
- Life expectancy at birth in Kenyan counties 2019, by gender
- Number of reported corruption crimes in Kenya 2010-2020
- Number of reported cases of child trafficking in Kenya 2017-2021
- Organized crime index in Kenya 2023, by type of crime
- Share of human trafficking victims in Sub-Saharan Africa 2020, by gender
- Number of people facing death penalty in Kenya 2016-2020, by gender
- Number of reported crimes in Kenya 2022 by type
- Number of people sentenced to life imprisonment in Kenya 2016-2020, by gender
- Number of reported economic crimes in Kenya 2010-2020
- Number of reported cases of child trafficking in Kenya 2017-2021, by gender
- Share of exploitation forms of detected human trafficking victims in East Africa 2020
- Number of convicted prisoners in Kenya 2020, by age group
- Number of wildlife poaching incidences in Kenya 2021 by category
- Number of convicted prisoners in Kenya 2015-2020, by gender
- Prison population in Kenya 2010-2020
- Number of police recorded contraband goods cases in Kenya 2021, by type
- Amount of dangerous drugs seized in Kenya 2019-2022
- Number of crimes reported to the police in Kenya 2010-2020
- Household size in Kenya 2017-2025
- Share of individuals that spent more time on domestic work in Kenya 2020
- Population growth in Kenya 2023
- Number of households in Kenya 2017-2025
- Gender gap index in Kenya 2017-2023
- Labor force participation rate in Kenya 2010-2021, by gender
- Richest people in Kenya 2021
- Kenya immigrant stock in 2015, by age
- Quantity of drug and psychotropic substance seized in Kenya 2021, by drug type
- Number of drug and psychotropic substance arrests in Kenya 2021, by drug type
- GDP growth rate from the education sector in Kenya 2019-2023
- Number of teachers in public secondary schools in Kenya 2015-2021, by gender
- Number of teachers in public primary schools in Kenya 2015-2022, by gender
- Kenya's population by highest level of education completed 2019
- Youth literacy rate in Kenya 2000-2018, by gender
- Adult literacy rate in Kenya 2000-2018, by gender
- University enrollment in Kenya 2017-2023
- University enrollment in Kenya 2016-2023, by gender
- Primary school enrollment in Kenya 2015-2022
- Secondary school enrollment in Kenya 2015-2022, by gender
- Secondary school enrollment in Kenya 2015-2022
- Primary school enrollment in Kenya 2015-2022, by gender
- Adult literacy rate in Kenya 2000-2022
- Youth literacy rate in Kenya 2000-2022
- Distribution of teachers in Kenya 2020, by type of school
- Public university enrollment in Kenya 2013-2021
- Private university enrollment in Kenya 2013-2021
- Number of primary educational institutions in Kenya 2013-2022
- Number of public and private universities in Kenya 2015-2022
- Number of teacher training institutions in Kenya 2013-2020
- Number of secondary educational institutions in Kenya 2013-2022
- Number of universities in Kenya 2013-2022
- Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) institutions in Kenya 2013-2022
- Public university enrollment in Kenya 2021, by degree type
- Number of students in selected public universities in Kenya 2022/2023
- Students in Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) in Kenya 2013-2022
- Enrollment in teacher training institutions in Kenya 2013-2020
- Educational institutions in Kenya 2020, by type
- Extension of Kenya's forested area 2015-2020
- Monthly mean temperature in Kenya 1991-2020
- Monthly precipitation in Kenya 1991-2020
- Annual mean temperature in Kenya 1991-2020, by province
- Total fertility rate of Kenya 1930-2024
- Share of pregnancies among teenagers in Kenya 2022, by education level
- Share of pregnancies among teenagers in Kenya 2022, by age
- Share of pregnancies among teenagers in Kenya 2022, by wealth quintile
- Share of pregnancies among teenagers in Kenya 2022, by residence
- Fertility rate in Kenya 2022, by residence
- Population of Kenya 1800-2020
- Child mortality in Kenya 1900-2020
- Life expectancy in Kenya from 1870 to 2020
- Infant mortality in Kenya 1950-2020
- Crude birth rate of Kenya 1930-2020
- Popular trust in courts of law in Kenya 2003-2019
- Perceived corruption among judges and magistrates in Kenya 2019
- Number of convicted and unconvicted prisioners in Kenya 2010-2020
- Share of ever married young people in Kenya 2019, by gender and county
- International migrants in Kenya 2000-2020
- International migrants as a percentage of the total population in Kenya 2000-2020
- Number of refugee and asylum seekers in Kenya 2000-2020
- Main destinations for Kenyan emigrants 2020
- Refugees and asylum seekers in Kenya by country of origin 2020
- Number of Kenyans living abroad 2000-2020
- Number of refugees and asylum seekers in Kenya 2017-2021, by gender
- Number of refugees and asylum seekers in Kenya 2017-2021, by age group
- Number of registered refugees and asylum seekers in Kenya 2017-2021, by location
- Perceived corruption among institutions and leaders in Kenya 2019
- Labor force in Kenya 2020, by age group
- Forecast of the total population of Kenya 2020-2050
- Number of households in Kenya 2019, by area