Statistics about Travel, Tourism & Hospitality in Ghana
- Number of licensed enterprises in travel trade in Ghana 2015-2021
- Timeline on the establishment of residential homes for children in Ghana 1949-2019
- Number of licensed tourist accommodation enterprises in Ghana 2016-2023
- Share of children in residential homes for children (RHC) in Ghana 2019, by age
- Share of children in residential homes for children (RHC) in Ghana 2019, by gender
- Residential homes for children (RHC) in Ghana 2019, by region
- Hotels in Greater Accra in Ghana with the highest number of beds 2022
- Largest hotels in Greater Accra in Ghana 2022, by number of rooms
- Average rate of occupancy of hotel rooms in Ghana 2014-2023
- Hotels in the Eastern region of Ghana with the highest number of rooms 2022
- Hotels in the Eastern region of Ghana with the highest number of beds 2022
- Length of stay in hotels in Ghana 2020
- Largest hotels in Ghana 2022, by region and number of rooms
- Ratings of the December in Ghana event 2021
- Number of tourist arrivals in Ghana 2008-2015
- Number of tourist establishments in Ghana 2015-2021
- Main countries of destination of Ghanaian tourists 2021
- Average expense at selected beach destinations in Ghana, by cost factor 2018
- Distribution of tourist spending in Ghana 2021, by type
- Tourist spending in Ghana 2008-2020
- Number of tourist arrivals in Ghana 2023, by country of origin
- Number of visits to the Kakum National Park in Ghana 2016-2023
- Most visited tourist attractions in Ghana 2023
- Number of visits at tourist attractions in Ghana 2016-2023, by residency status
- Distribution of international tourist arrivals in Ghana 2022, by country of origin
- Domestic tourist spending in Ghana 2019-2022
- Number of ecotourism sites in Ghana 2022, by region
- Number of food and beverage serving establishments in Ghana 2016-2021
- Number travel agencies and reservation service establishments in Ghana 2015-2021
- Impression of tourists about quality of Ghana's cultural attractions 2021
- Share of tourist expenditure in Ghana 2019-2021, by purpose
- Travel and tourism's direct contribution to employment in Ghana 2008-2019
- Total contribution of travel and tourism to employment in Ghana 2005-2023
- Annual contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in Ghana 2019-2023
- Online travel and tourism spending in Ghana 2022, by type of service
- Outbound tourism spending as share of goods imports in Ghana 2010-2020
- Leisure and business travel spending in Ghana 2019-2022
- Share of international tourists in Ghana 2022, by purpose of visit
- Age distribution of tourists in Ghana 2022
- Annual average length of stay of tourists in Ghana 2019-2023
- Average daily tourist expenditure in Ghana 2023, by purpose
- Number of tourist arrivals in Ghana 2016-2023
- Inbound tourism spending as a share of goods exports in Ghana 2010-2020
- Outbound visitor spending on passenger travel items in Ghana 2010-2019
- Travel and tourism's direct contribution to employment in Ghana 2008-2021
- Inbound tourism expenditure as a share of GDP in Ghana 2010-2019
- Outbound tourism spending as share of total imports in Ghana 2010-2020
- Inbound tourism spending as share of exports of goods and services in Ghana 2010-2020
- Inbound tourism spending as share of exports of services in Ghana 2010-2020
- Annual contributions of hotels and restaurants to GDP in Ghana 2013-2023
- Outbound visitor spending on passenger transport items in Ghana 2010-2019
- Outbound tourism expenditure as a share of GDP in Ghana 2010-2019
- Share of domestic and international tourist expenditure in Ghana 2019-2021
- Outbound tourism spending as share of services imports in Ghana 2010-2020