Statistics about Economy & Politics in Egypt
- Average monthly prices for cow and buffalo meat in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for farm eggs in Egypt 2019-2023
- Average monthly prices for pigeons in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for farm chicken in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for local chicken in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for yellow carrots in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for tomatoes in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for potatoes in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for onion in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for lentils in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for tahini in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for beans in Egypt 2019-2023, by type
- Contribution of agriculture sector to GDP in North Africa 2023, by country
- Distribution of GDP in Egypt 2021-2022, by sector
- Monthly CPI in Egypt 2019-2024
- Monthly CPI in urban Egypt 2019-2024
- Monthly percentage change in the CPI in Egypt 2019-2024
- Monthly percentage change in the core CPI in Egypt 2019-2024
- GDP growth rate in North Africa 2015-2027, by country
- Contribution of manufacturing to GDP in North Africa 2018, by country
- Consumer price index Egypt 2010-2021
- Monthly food inflation rate in Egypt 2023
- Monthly CPI for food and non-alcoholic beverages in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly CPI for food and non-alcoholic beverages in urban Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for molasses in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for wheat flour in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for halva in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for pasta in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for unpacked buffalo butter in Egypt 2019-2023
- Contribution of agriculture sector to GDP in Egypt 2004-2023
- General government revenue in Egypt 2012-2029
- General government expenditure in Egypt 2012-2029
- National revenue as a share of GDP in Egypt 2013-2029
- Monthly CPI for food and non-alcoholic beverages in rural Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for cottage cheese in Egypt 2019-2023
- Share of gross domestic product at current prices in Egypt FY 2021, by region
- Gross domestic product at current prices in Egypt FY 2021, by region
- Currency in circulation in Africa 2021-2024, by country
- Contribution of wholesale and retail trade to GDP in Egypt 2014-2021
- Quarterly average price of fresh loose milk Egypt 2017-2018
- Quarterly average price of Baladi chicken Egypt 2017-2018
- Quarterly average price of fresh tilapia fish in Egypt 2017-2018
- Quarterly average price of white farm chicken Egypt 2017-2018
- Monthly percentage change in the CPI for regulated items in Egypt 2019-2024
- Monthly food inflation rate in Egypt compared to previous year 2019-20223
- Monthly average prices for coriander in Egypt 2019-2021
- Monthly average prices for wheat in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for corn oil in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for sunflower oil in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for buffalo ghee in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for tea in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for sugar in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for white rice in Egypt 2019-2023
- Monthly average prices for unpacked rice in Egypt 2019-2023
- Number of conflict internal displacements Egypt 2014-2019
- Share of respondents opinion on the army in MENA by confidence level 2017-2018
- Political stability and absence of violence in North Africa 2005-2023, by country
- Perception of foreign threat to Arab region by country 2017-2018
- Military expenditure as share of GDP in Egypt 2010-2022
- Military expenditure in North Africa 2022, by country
- Number of monthly average exits to or via Egypt 2006-2023
- Number of members of assisted NGO's in Egypt 2016-2021
- Number of NGOs receiving assistance in Egypt 2021, by governorate
- Import of goods to Egypt 2023
- Total population of the MENA countries 2023
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in the Mashriq countries 2022
- Total population of the Mashriq countries 2022
- National debt of Mashriq countries in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2022
- Inflation rate in the Mashriq countries 2023
- Gross domestic product of the Mashriq countries in 2022
- Largest cities in Egypt in 2023
- Death rates in the Mashriq countries 2022
- Export of goods from Egypt 2023
- National debt of Egypt in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2029
- Egypt's budget balance in relation to GDP 2029
- Ratio of government expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Egypt 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Egypt 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) in Egypt 2029
- Egypt: Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP 2029
- Unemployment rate in Egypt 2023
- Inflation rate in Egypt 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in Egypt 2029
- Trade balance of goods of Egypt 2023
- The extent to which the Russian invasion of Ukraine is justified MENA 2022
- Reasons for opposing diplomatic recognition of Israel MENA 2022
- Evaluation of foreign policies towards Palestine in MENA 2022
- Perception of the threat of Israel's policies to the stability and security MENA 2022
- Perception of the threat of Iran's policies to the stability and security MENA 2022
- Perception of the confidence in the local media MENA 2022
- Egypt - public opinon on the continuing protests 2011
- Perception of the threat of Turkey's policies to the stability and security MENA 2022
- Egypt - public confidence in the future of the country
- Perception of negative foreign policy towards Arab region by country 2017-2018
- Respondents who view democracy positively MENA by country 2017-2018
- Perception of the threat of France's policies to the stability and security MENA 2022
- Perception of the threat of USA's policies to the stability and security MENA 2022
- Perception of the threat of China's policies to the stability and security MENA 2022
- Interest in politics in North African countries 2019
- Number of new conflict displacements Egypt 2014-2018
- Share of respondents who support diplomatic recognition of Iraq 2022