Statistics about Economy & Politics in Africa
- Population density in Comoros 2021
- Population density in Lesotho 2021
- Population density in the Seychelles 2021
- Population density in Sao Tome and Principe 2021
- Unemployment rate in Guam 2023
- Most important export partner countries for Burkina Faso in 2022
- Age structure in São Tomé and Príncipe 2013-2023
- Labor force participation rate in Comoros 2022
- Infant mortality rate in Samoa 2022
- Fertility rate in Tonga 2022
- Age structure in Comoros 2013-2023
- Death rate in the Seychelles 2022
- Life expectancy at birth in the Seychelles 2022
- Most important export partners for Cabo Verde in 2022
- Fertility rate in the Seychelles 2022
- Infant mortality rate in Cabo Verde 2022
- Infant mortality rate in the Comoros 2022
- Most important import partners of Burkina Faso 2022
- Infant mortality rate in Lesotho 2022
- Infant mortality rate in Sao Tome and Principe 2022
- Infant mortality rate in St. Kitts and Nevis 2022
- Total population of the Gambia 2029
- Crude birth rate in Cabo Verde 2012-2022
- Crude birth rate in Comoros 2012-2022
- Crude birth rate in Swaziland 2012-2022
- Crude birth rate in Guinea-Bissau 2012-2022
- Crude birth rate in Kiribati 2012-2022
- Crude birth rate in Lesotho 2012-2022
- Crude birth rate in Sao Tome and Principe 2012-2022
- Crude birth rate in Seychelles 2012-2022
- Ratio of military expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Cabo Verde 2022
- Ratio of military expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Lesotho 2022
- Ratio of military expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Seychelles 2022
- Life expectancy at birth in Sao Tome and Principe 2022, by gender
- Urbanization in Cabo Verde 2023
- Gross domestic product (GDP) in the Gambia 2029
- Seychelles' budget balance in relation to GDP 2029
- Ratio of government expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Burkina Faso 2029
- Burkina Faso's budget balance in relation to GDP 2029
- Inflation rate in Burkina Faso 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Burkina Faso 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) in Burkina Faso 2029
- Total population of Burkina Faso 2029
- Age structure in Burkina Faso 2012-2022
- Share of economic sectors in GDP in Cabo Verde 2022
- Total population of Eritrea 2019
- Inflation rate in Botswana 2029
- National debt of Seychelles in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2029
- Ratio of government expenditure to GDP in the Seychelles 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in Comoros 2029
- Total population of the Seychelles 2029
- Unemployment rate in the Seychelles 2029
- Inflation rate in the Seychelles 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) in Comoros 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in the Seychelles 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) in the Seychelles 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in Tonga 2029
- National debt of Comoros in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2029
- Comoros' budget balance in relation to GDP 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Comoros 2029
- Inflation rate in Comoros 2029
- National debt of Burkina Faso in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in Cabo Verde 2029
- Malawi's budget balance in relation to GDP 2029
- Total population in Sub-Saharan Africa 2023
- Life expectancy at birth in Comoros 2022
- Ratio of government expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Malawi 2029
- Total population of Malawi 2029
- Inflation rate in Malawi 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Malawi 2029
- Urbanization in the Arab world 2023
- Urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa 2023
- Death rate in Sub-Saharan Africa 2022
- Life expectancy at birth in Sub-Saharan Africa 2022
- Fertility rate in Sub-Saharan Africa 2022
- Population growth in Sub-Saharan Africa 2023
- Inflation rate in Sub-Saharan Africa 2029
- Age structure in Djibouti 2022
- National debt of Sub-Saharan Africa in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Sub-Saharan Africa 2024
- Ratio of government expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in Sub-Saharan Africa 2029
- Share of economic sectors in the GDP in São Tomé and Príncipe 2022
- Sub-Saharan Africa's budget balance in relation to GDP 2029
- Burkina Faso: Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in Burkina Faso 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) in Sub-Saharan Africa 2029
- Gross domestic product of the Maghreb countries from 2019 to 2029
- Distribution of gross domestic product (GDP) in economic sectors Burkina Faso 2022
- Share of economic sectors in the GDP in Malawi 2022
- Fertility rate in Comoros 2022
- Death rate in Comoros 2022
- Fertility rate in Cabo Verde 2022
- Import of goods to São Tomé and Príncipe 2023
- Import of commodities to Lesotho 2022
- Export of commodities from Lesotho 2022
- Trade balance of goods of the Seychelles 2023
- Export of goods from the Seychelles 2023
- Import of goods to the Seychelles 2023
- Trade balance of goods of São Tomé and Príncipe 2023