Statistics about Agriculture in Africa
- Leading agricultural export commodities in Africa 2018-2022
- Africa's share in global agricultural imports 2018-2022, by region
- Leading agricultural import commodities in Africa 2018-2022
- Share of agriculture in total goods exports in Africa 2015-2023
- Share of agriculture in total goods imports in Africa 2015-2023
- Agriculture as a share of GDP in Africa 2015-2023
- Share of agricultural imports in Africa 2018-2022, by main product and origin
- Share of agricultural exports in Africa 2018-2022, by main product and destination
- Public agricultural expenditure as a share of total expenditure in Africa 2015-2023
- Public agricultural expenditure in Africa 2015-2023
- Share of agriculture in total goods imports in Africa 2023, by region
- Share of agriculture in total goods exports in Africa 2023, by region
- Africa's share in global agricultural exports 2018-2022, by region
- Active digital agriculture services in Sub-Saharan Africa 2020, by country
- Agriculture, forestry, and fishing in GDP in Sub-Saharan Africa 2012-2022
- Main agricultural imports from East Africa 2020, by import value
- Main agricultural exports from East Africa 2020, by export value
- Active digital agriculture services in Sub-Saharan Africa 2020, by type
- Cotton production in West Africa 2016-2018
- Main producers of tea in Africa 2020
- Total volume of yam production in Africa 2010-2022
- Cereal production in Africa 2022, by country
- Production volume of rice in Africa 2017-2025
- Volume of rice production in North Africa 2015-2021
- Women adopting climate-resilient agricultural in West Africa 2017-2021, by country
- Production quantity of cocoa in Africa 2010-2022
- Share of cereal exports in production in Africa 2010-2030
- Annual cocoa production of Africa by country 2018/19-2022/23
- Rice production in Africa 2022, by country
- Volume of primary crop production in Africa 2021, by type
- Production quantity of sesame seeds in Africa 2010-2021
- Production quantity of ginger in Africa 2010-2021
- Production quantity of ginger in Africa 2021, by country
- Production quantity of sesame seeds in Africa 2021, by country
- Volume of cashew nut exports from African countries 2021
- Annual value of fruit exports in Africa 2010-2022
- Production of roots and tubers in Africa 2022, by type
- Total volume of yam production in Africa 2022, by country
- African countries: agricultural R&D spending as a share of agricultural GDP 2011
- Export volume of nuts in Africa 2022, by country
- Annual value of cereal exports in Africa 2010-2022
- Value of fruit exports in Africa 2022, by country
- Annual export volume of fruits in Africa 2010-2022
- Export volume of fruits in Africa 2022, by country
- Total volume of cassava production in Africa 2010-2022
- Import volume of cereals in Africa 2022, by country
- Annual import volume of cereals in Africa 2010-2022
- Total volume of cereal production in Africa 2010-2022
- Value of cereal imports in Africa 2022, by country
- Production volume of tea in Africa 2010-2020
- Total harvested area of roots and tubers in Africa 2022, by type
- Production of cassava in Africa 2022, by country
- Harvested area in Sub-Saharan Africa 2017-2029, by commodity group
- Volume of fertilizer use in Africa 2015-2022
- Volume of fertilizer use in Africa 2022, by region
- Production of roots and tubers in Sub-Saharan Africa 2007-2029
- Production of vegetable oil in Sub-Saharan Africa 2007-2029
- Area treated against desert locusts invasions in African countries 2021
- Investments to control the desert locust invasion on crops in Africa 2021
- Rate of adaption of integrated soil fertility managment in SSA countries 2011
- Horn of Africa: population requiring food assistance 2011
- Nutrition and food distribution gaps in Sub-Saharan Africa 2012-2022
- Sugar production by selected country in East Africa 2019
- Use of fertilizers in agriculture in Africa 2018, by region
- Production of cereals in Sub-Saharan Africa 2007-2029
- Value of agricultural imports to Sub-Saharan Africa 2007-2029
- Production of pulses in Sub-Saharan Africa 2007-2029
- Top regional countries for agriculturefinancing deals in Sub-Saharan Africa 2010-2020
- Production of fish in Sub-Saharan Africa 2007-2029
- Production of sugar in Sub-Saharan Africa 2007-2029
- Leading regions for agriculture financing deals in Sub-Saharan Africa 2010-2020
- Production of oilseeds in Sub-Saharan Africa 2007-2029
- Production of meat in Sub-Saharan Africa 2007-2029
- North Africa annual food security development 2012-2022
- Inorganic fertilizer use in Africa 2000-2021
- Share of agricultural land in Africa 2010-2022
- Agricultural land in Africa 2010-2022
- Agricultural land area in Africa 2022, by country
- Use of fertilizers in agriculture in Africa 2021, by country
- Share of agricultural land in Africa 2021, by country
- Pesticide use in Africa 2000-2019
- Freshwater fish production volume distribution in MENA by country 2015
- Leading aquaculture producers in Africa 2022
- Aquaculture production volume in Africa 2000-2022
- Fisheries production in MENA by aquaculture 2011-2015
- Fishery import value distribution in MENA by country 2015
- Key biodiversity areas in Africa 2010-2020
- Fishery export value distribution in MENA by country 2015
- Wooden furniture export value in West Africa 2011-2020, by country
- Trade balance of primary processed wood products in West Africa 2011-2020, by type
- Cane and bamboo export value in West Africa 2011-2020, by country
- Cane and bamboo import value in West Africa 2011-2020, by country
- Trade balance of secondary processed wood products in Africa 2011-2020, by type
- Forest share of land area in sub-Saharan Africa 2000-2020
- Trade balance of primary processed wood products in West Africa 2011-2020, by country
- Wooden furniture import value in West Africa 2011-2020, by country
- Number of live chickens in Africa 2010-2022
- Live animal stock in Africa 2022, by type
- Pig stock in Africa 2022, by country
- Leading countries in pork meat production in Africa 2020