Buy now, pay later brands

Klarna brand profile in the U.S.

Launched in the United States in 2015, Klarna has created quite a stir in the Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) market landscape. The Swedish fintech has one of the highest brand awareness levels among BNPL users in the U.S., around one-fifth of whom pay with Klarna. The European payment solutions provider is especially popular among Millennials, while the same cannot be said about Baby Boomers.

Brand KPI profile

Every fifth Buy now, pay later users uses Klarna

Klarna has a brand awareness of 60 percent among Buy now, pay later users in the U.S. and is popular with a quarter of them. The Swedish payment processor is used by 22 percent of consumers in the U.S. who use BNPL services, and 20 percent of them had noticed the brand in the media, on social media or in advertising in the past 3 months before the survey.

Created with Highcharts 7.2.2Share of respondents60%60%25%25%22%22%17%17%20%20%Klarna brand KPI profile in the U.S.AwarenessPopularityUsageLoyaltyBuzz

Millennials and Klarna are a match

The side-by-side comparison of brand KPIs in all generations for Klarna gives a clear overview of their customer base in the United States. For example, the Swedish Fintech brand is most well-known among Millennials, and they also happen to score highest for Klarna in all other brand KPIs. The BNPL service is also doing well among Gen Z in various metrics. Meanwhile, most Baby Boomers in the United States are still unaware of Klarna.

Created with Highcharts 7.2.2Share of respondentsKlarna audience by generations in the U.S.TotalIGen / Gen Z (1995-2…IGen / Gen Z (1995-2012)Millennials / Generatio…Millennials / Generation Y (1980-1994)Generation X (Baby B…Generation X (Baby Bust) (1965-1979)Baby Boomer (1946-1…Baby Boomer (1946-1964)AwarenessPopularityUsageLoyaltyBuzz
Life values

Advancing their career is more important to Klarna users

Our data indicates a slight difference in the priority of life aspects between Klarna users and non-users. Klarna users place a higher value on being successful and advancing their careers compared to non-users. However, in both groups, leading an honest and respectable life and maintaining a happy relationship are ranked higher. Interestingly, the importance of making own decisions is less emphasized by Klarna users as compared to non-users. Traditions and learning new things, on the other hand, have a similar level of importance for both groups.

Published November 23, 2023

Created with Highcharts 7.2.2Share of respondentsMost important life aspects of Klarna users in the U.S.TotalKlarna userNon-userAn honest and respectable lifeA happy relationshipSafety and securityTo be successfulMaking my own decisionsHaving a good timeLearning new thingsAdvancing my careerTraditionsSocial justice
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  • Buy now, pay later brands
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