Printer, scanner & MFP market revenue in Belgium 2024-2029

Printer, scanner and multi-function printer (MFP) market revenue in Belgium from 2024 to 2029 (in million U.S. Dollars)*

CharacteristicRevenue in million U.S. Dollars
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Statistic: Printer, scanner and multi-function printer (MFP) market revenue in Belgium from 2024 to 2029 (in million U.S. Dollars)*
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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


Printers and copiers are devices used to produce hard copies of digital documents and images. Printers are devices that produce text and images on paper, while copiers are devices that make exact duplicates of an existing document. Both devices use ink or toner to produce the printed image or text. They are available in various types, including inkjet printers, laser printers, and multifunction printers that can print, scan, copy, and fax. Printers and copiers are used in homes, offices, and schools, and are an essential tool for creating hard copies of documents and images.

Additional Information:

The market comprises revenue, average revenue per capita, volume, average volume per capita and price. Figures are generated through both online and offline sales channels and include spending by consumers (B2C). Key players in the market are companies like Sony, Panasonic, Samsung, LG, and Philips. These companies are leaders in their respective segments and are known for their innovative products, brand reputation, and extensive distribution networks. For more information on the data displayed, use the info button right next to the boxes.

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