Revenue of the global household cleaners market from 2013 to 2029
In 2023, the global household cleaners market was valued at about 38.4 billion U.S. dollars. The value of this specific market has been expanding in recent years and is estimated to keep growing, reaching roughly 46.5 billion U.S. dollars by 2029.
Market value by product type
Both surface cleaners and dishwasher products had a global market value in excess of nine billion U.S. dollars in 2019. Each of the product categories is projected to attain a market value of close to 13 billion U.S. dollars in 2025. The market value of toilet cleaners other products is likewise set to increase in the coming years.
Cleaning products: consumer behavior
In the United States, approximately 750 U.S. dollars were spent on housekeeping supplies per consumer unit in 2018. Annual housekeeping expenditures have increased by close to hundred U.S. dollars when compared to 2016 and earlier years. Some of world’s leading home care brands in 2018 included Sunlight, Tide, Surf, and Ariel.