Forecast for the number of users in the eServices market by segment worldwide until 2030

Forecast for the number of online users in the eServices market by segment worldwide from 2023 to 2030

CharacteristicFitnessEvent TicketsDating Services
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Statistic: Forecast for the number of online users in the eServices market by segment worldwide from 2023 to 2030 (in million)
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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


eServices refer to the delivery of services through electronic means, typically via the internet. eServices offer the convenience of conducting transactions and accessing information online and have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the growth of internet accessibility and the increasing use of digital devices. The eServices market continues to expand as consumers seek efficient and convenient ways to access and purchase various services.

The definition of eServices does not include media content acquired online (see: Digital Media) or the online sale of physical goods (see: eCommerce). Furthermore, no business-to-business segments are included, and neither are revenues from online gambling, software downloads, and services, or price/product comparison site commission fees.


eServices includes the event ticketing segment, which covers the sale of tickets for sporting events, music concerts, and cinema showings. The dating services segment includes online dating platforms, matchmaking services, and casual dating sites. Lastly, the online education segment encompasses the provision of university education, online learning platforms, and professional certification programs.

Additional Information

Data includes revenue figures in Gross Merchandise Value (GMV), Users, average revenue per user (ARPU), and user penetration rate. User and revenue figures represent B2C services.

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