Revenue of the cider, perry & rice wine market worldwide by country 2023

Revenue of the cider, perry & rice wine market worldwide by country in 2023

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


The Cider, Perry & Rice Wine market includes fruit wines such as cider (made from apples), perry (made from pear), and rice wines, such as Sake. Palm wines and similar beverages are also included. However, wines that use grapes as their base are not covered as they form part of the Wine market.

Additional information:

The market comprises revenue and average revenue per capita, volume and average volume per capita, price per liter, as well as sales channels. Per capita figures refer to a country’s or region’s whole population.

At-home market data covers retail sales via super- and hypermarkets, eCommerce, convenience stores, and similar sales channels. Out-of-home market data includes all sales in hotels and restaurants, sales by catering companies, as well as sales in cafés, bars, and similar hospitality service establishments. Combined numbers encompass both the at-home market and the out-of-home market. All prices are valued at retail selling prices, including all sales and consumption taxes.

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