eHealth solutions for Diabetes revenue forecast in the United Kingdom 2016-2022

Revenue of eHealth Diabetes solutions forecast in the United Kingdom from 2016 to 2022

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Supplementary notes

According to the World Health Organization, the official definition of eHealth is as follows: "eHealth is the secure use of information and communications technologies in support of health and health-related fields, including healthcare services and processes, prevention, health surveillance, treatment, health literature and health education, knowledge and research. eHealth can help cut costs and also includes a high sales potential."

The field of eHealth is wide and it is not simply possible to cover all areas that represent the eHealth market in its entirety. Therefore, Statista’s Digital Market Outlook contains selected, most relevant eHealth areas, especially connected devices and apps for hypertension, heart failure, and diabetes management and monitoring.

Detailed information on each market segment can be found in our eHealth Reports available for six different countries.

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