Penetration rate of the smart home segment control & connectivity in the UK 2019-2028

Penetration rate of the smart home segment control & connectivity in the United Kingdom from 2019 to 2028

CharacteristicHousehold penetration rate in percent
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Statistic: Penetration rate of the smart home segment control & connectivity in the United Kingdom from 2019 to 2028
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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

The Smart Home market Control & Connectivity includes the essential equipment (connected and remote-control devices) and services that are part of an intelligent home network. The segment includes smart speakers (Amazon Echo, Google Home, etc.), central control and communication units (hub/gateway), programmable control buttons (e.g. wall switches and adjustable dials) and smart plugs for the control of non-smart devices. Revenues are also generated from services that support these hardware elements such as control apps and connectivity services.

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