Fashion segment e-commerce users UK 2021, by gender

Share of fashion e-commerce users in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2021, by gender

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Statistic: Share of fashion e-commerce users in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2021, by gender
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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Outlooks are estimates

The eCommerce market segment Fashion includes the online trade of articles of apparel (for men, women and children), shoes and shoe care products (e.g. cleaning products) as well as accessories and bags (e.g. hats, scarves, gloves and leather bags, suitcases, purses and briefcases). Dedicated outdoor and sports apparel, outdoor and sports shoes as well as baby’s clothes are part of other categories (see: Toys, Hobby & DIY). Also, the purchase or resale of used apparel articles is not included in this market segment. All monetary figures refer to the annual gross revenue and do not factor in shipping costs.

All figures are estimate. A detailed methodology can be found in the Statista Market Outlook.

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