Industry revenue of “manufacture of margarine and similar edible fats“ in Spain from 2012 to 2025 (in million U.S. Dollars)

Other statistics that may interest you Food industry in Malaysia
- Premium Statistic Revenue of the food industry in Malaysia 2020-2029
- Premium Statistic Revenue growth of the food industry in Malaysia 2020-2029
- Premium Statistic Malaysia: food market revenue 2021-2029, by segment
- Premium Statistic Average revenue per capita of the food industry in Malaysia 2020-2029
- Premium Statistic Sales volume of the food industry in Malaysia 2020-2029
Food production
- Premium Statistic GDP from the food crops industry in Malaysia 2016-2022
- Premium Statistic GDP from the livestock industry in Malaysia 2016-2022
- Premium Statistic CPI for staple food, fruits, and vegetables in Malaysia 2014-2023
- Premium Statistic Production of paddy in Malaysia 2014-2023
- Premium Statistic Production volume of vegetables in Malaysia 2017-2022
- Basic Statistic Number of chicken in Malaysia 2013-2022
Food manufacturing
- Premium Statistic GDP from food manufacturing in Malaysia 2015-2023
- Premium Statistic Production index of food products Malaysia 2015-2023
- Premium Statistic Production of refined sugar in Malaysia 2014-2023
- Premium Statistic Production of milk drinks in Malaysia 2014-2023
- Premium Statistic Production of milled rice in Malaysia 2015-2023, by type
- Premium Statistic Production of wheat flour in Malaysia 2014-2023
Food services
- Premium Statistic Sales value of food service market in Malaysia 2017-2027
- Premium Statistic Sales value of full-service restaurants in Malaysia 2017-2027
- Premium Statistic Sales value of fast food restaurants in Malaysia 2017-2027
- Premium Statistic Sales value of street stalls in Malaysia 2017-2027
- Premium Statistic Number of employees in food and beverage services Malaysia 2014-2023
International trade
- Premium Statistic Export value of food Malaysia 2014-2023
- Premium Statistic Export value of manufactured food in Malaysia 2017-2023
- Premium Statistic Import value of food Malaysia 2014-2023
- Premium Statistic Distribution of import value of food in Malaysia 2022, by country of origin
- Premium Statistic Import volume of rice Malaysia 2014-2023
Consumer behavior
- Premium Statistic Increase in household spending in Malaysia 2023, by category
- Premium Statistic Major FMCG sales channels Malaysia 2024, by market share
- Premium Statistic Leading food brands in Malaysia 2023, by consumer reach points
- Premium Statistic Leading snacks and beverages purchased in Malaysia 2022, by type
Further related statistics
- Mondelez International's net revenue distribution worldwide by sector 2023
- Mondelēz International's operating profit 2011-2023
- Mondelez International's global workforce by region 2012-2023
- Flowers Foods: net income in the U.S. 2010-2023
- Flowers Foods: U.S. sales 2021-2023, by retail segment
- Flowers Foods: sales share in the U.S. 2021-2023, by segment
- Flowers Foods: sales in the U.S. 2010-2023
- Hormel Foods revenue 2019-2023
- ConAgra Brands revenue 2012-2024
- Net sales of ConAgra Brands worldwide 2018-2024, by segment
Further Content: You might find this interesting as well
- Mondelez International's net revenue distribution worldwide by sector 2023
- Mondelēz International's operating profit 2011-2023
- Mondelez International's global workforce by region 2012-2023
- Flowers Foods: net income in the U.S. 2010-2023
- Flowers Foods: U.S. sales 2021-2023, by retail segment
- Flowers Foods: sales share in the U.S. 2021-2023, by segment
- Flowers Foods: sales in the U.S. 2010-2023
- Hormel Foods revenue 2019-2023
- ConAgra Brands revenue 2012-2024
- Net sales of ConAgra Brands worldwide 2018-2024, by segment