Revenue of primary education (SIC 85.20) in Turkey from 2008 to 2018 (in million U.S. dollars)

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Christof Baron
CEO, MindShare Germany
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Student enrollment
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- Premium Statistic Enrollment in public elementary and secondary schools U.S. 2022, by state
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- Basic Statistic Share of students enrolled in U.S. public K-12 schools 2021, by ethnicity and state
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Revenue and expenditure
- Basic Statistic Expenditure on public and private elementary and secondary schools U.S. 1970-2021
- Basic Statistic Revenue of public elementary and secondary schools U.S. 1980-2020
- Basic Statistic U.S. public schools - average expenditure per pupil 1980-2020
- Basic Statistic U.S. education - total expenditure per pupil in public schools 1990-2021
- Basic Statistic U.S. public school expenditure by state as a percentage of GDP 2018
National school lunch program
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Further related statistics
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- Share of teachers in the U.S. 2007/08, by base salary and school type
- African-American undergraduate enrollment numbers, by gender 1976 to 2011
- Post-baccalaureate enrollment numbers in the U.S., by institution type 1976-2010
- Exercise rates in the U.S., by age group and education level 2008
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- Hours per day spent on leisure and sports in the U.S. by level of education 2009-2023
- Share of teachers in the U.S. 2012, by ethnicity and school type
- Share of teachers in the U.S. 2007/08, by base salary and school type
- African-American undergraduate enrollment numbers, by gender 1976 to 2011
- Post-baccalaureate enrollment numbers in the U.S., by institution type 1976-2010
- Exercise rates in the U.S., by age group and education level 2008