Industry revenue of “health and personal care stores“ in the U.S. from 2012 to 2024 (in billion U.S. Dollars)

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Dr. Horst Stipp
EVP, Research & Innovation, Advertising Research Foundation
Other statistics that may interest you Veteran health in the U.S.
- Basic Statistic Percentage of U.S. population who are veterans 2022, by age and gender
- Basic Statistic U.S. veterans 2022, by period of military service
- Premium Statistic Overall health of veterans before and after joining the military U.S. 2021
- Basic Statistic U.S. veterans 2022, by disability status
- Premium Statistic Service-related injuries among military veterans U.S. 2021
- Basic Statistic U.S. veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan service-related injury daily impacts as of 2021
- Premium Statistic Share of civilian veterans with service-connected disability by U.S. state 2022
Health conditions and risks
- Basic Statistic Leading causes of death among U.S. veterans from 2019 to 2021
- Basic Statistic Prevalence of disabilities among employed U.S. adults, 2016-2020, by veteran status
- Basic Statistic Share of U.S. WWP veterans with health issues during service since 9/11 as of 2022
- Basic Statistic Share of U.S. WWP veterans bothered by various problems as of 2022, by frequency
- Basic Statistic Share of U.S. veterans with the WWP experiencing PTSD since 9/11, 2017-2022
- Premium Statistic Prevalence of chronic pain among U.S. adults in 2021, by veteran status
- Basic Statistic Share of veteran and nonveteran men in the U.S. with arthritis in 2017-2021, by age
- Basic Statistic Share of veteran and nonveteran women in the U.S. with arthritis 2017-2021, by age
Mental health and suicide
- Basic Statistic Severity of anxiety symptoms reported by U.S. veterans with the WWP as of 2022
- Basic Statistic Severity of depressive symptoms reported by U.S. veterans with the WWP as of 2022
- Basic Statistic Suicidal thoughts, plans, attempts among U.S. veterans 18–49 years old 2022
- Basic Statistic Veterans who considered suicide before and after joining the military U.S. 2014-2021
- Premium Statistic Veterans who knew a veteran who attempted suicide U.S. from 2014 to 2021
- Basic Statistic Number of veteran suicide deaths in the U.S. 2001-2021
- Basic Statistic Distribution of veteran suicide deaths in the U.S. 2001-2021, by method
- Basic Statistic Share of suicides among U.S. veterans in 2021, by method and gender
Substance abuse
- Basic Statistic Co-occurrence of substance use and mental illness among U.S. veterans 2022
- Basic Statistic Illicit drug use among U.S. veterans in 2022, by substance
- Premium Statistic Alcohol use disorder among veterans in the U.S. in 2022, by age
- Basic Statistic U.S. veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan alcohol use as of 2021, by frequency
- Basic Statistic U.S. veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan number of alcoholic drinks consumed as of 2021
Health care and treatment
- Basic Statistic U.S. adults insured by military health care 1990-2023
- Basic Statistic Percentage of U.S. Americans insured by military health care 1990-2023
- Basic Statistic U.S. veterans enrolled in the health care system in 2023, by service era
- Basic Statistic U.S. veterans enrolled in the VA health care system in 2023, by age
- Basic Statistic Share of U.S. WWP veterans with health care coverage as of 2022, by type of coverage
- Premium Statistic Resources for seeking care for veterans with a mental health injury U.S. 2021
- Premium Statistic Share of U.S. veterans who received therapy in the past year 2019-2020, by age
- Basic Statistic Tools and resources used by U.S. WWP veterans for stress and mental health 2022
Opinions about the VA
- Basic Statistic U.S. veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan VA health care satisfaction ratings in 2021
- Basic Statistic U.S. veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan VA health provider satisfaction ratings in 2021
- Basic Statistic Quality ratings of health care provided by the VA in the U.S. as of 2022
- Basic Statistic Views on VA health care compared to general health care in the U.S. as of 2022
- Basic Statistic Ease of obtaining medical care through the VA in the U.S. in 2022
- Basic Statistic Quality ratings of benefits and services provided by the VA in the U.S. 2022
- Basic Statistic Opinions on wait times to obtain medical care at the VA in the U.S. in 2022
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- Secondhand goods: Sales volume percentage change in Great Britain (UK) 2013-2023
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- Distribution of monthly magazine sales in the United Kingdom (UK) 2019, by sector
- Barnes & Noble sales 2012-2019, by commerce segment
- John Lewis online sales growth in the United Kingdom (UK) 2011-2018
- Most used HVAC brands in the U.S. 2018
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- Waitrose sales revenue in the United Kingdom (UK) 2009-2023
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- Secondhand goods: Sales volume percentage change in Great Britain (UK) 2013-2023
- Company-operated Starbucks stores retail sales distribution worldwide 2005-2024
- Women's home magazines ranked by circulation change in the UK 2019
- Distribution of monthly magazine sales in the United Kingdom (UK) 2019, by sector
- Barnes & Noble sales 2012-2019, by commerce segment
- John Lewis online sales growth in the United Kingdom (UK) 2011-2018
- Most used HVAC brands in the U.S. 2018