Logistics costs in the transportation & logistics market in CEE 2019-2029

Logistics costs in the transportation & logistics market in Central and Eastern Europe from 2019 to 2029

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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


The Transportation and Logistics market encompasses the range of services and operations involved in the movement, management, and distribution of goods and information from one location to another. This market focuses on diverse services that facilitate the efficient transportation and logistical handling of cargo and mail for commercial purposes. It excludes services primarily intended for passenger transport, non-commercial personal shipping, and in-house logistics managed internally by companies.


The Transportation and Logistics market is structured into the following sub-markets:

  1. Third-Party Logistics (3PL): This sub-market includes services provided by third-party logistics companies that manage and handle logistics operations on behalf of other companies. These services encompass warehousing, inventory management, order fulfillment, and distribution. It excludes first-party, second-party, fourth-party, and fifth-party logistics providers, as well as in-house logistics and non-logistics related services.
  2. Postal Services: This sub-market covers mail and package delivery services, including domestic and international mail, parcel delivery, postal sorting and handling, and retail counter services. It excludes freight forwarding services, courier services beyond mail and parcels, e-commerce fulfillment, and passenger transport services.
  3. Freight Forwarding: This sub-market focuses on the coordination and management of cargo transportation across various modes of transport. It includes:
    • Road Transport: Transportation of goods by road vehicles such as trucks and lorries.
    • Rail Transport: Transportation of goods by trains.
    • Pipeline Transport: Transportation of goods, including liquids and gases, through pipelines.
    • Global Waterborne Freight: Sea-based transportation of cargo, including container shipping.
    • Domestic Waterborne Freight: Transportation of goods via rivers, canals, and lakes.
    • Air Transport: Air freight services for the transportation of goods by aircraft.

Additional Information

The market includes the production, operation, and management of transportation and logistics services within a specific region. Notable key players in the Transportation and Logistics market include global logistics providers like DHL, FedEx, and UPS, as well as specialized freight forwarders and postal operators. These companies are pivotal in shaping the industry through their extensive networks, technological advancements, and comprehensive service offerings. Regional players and niche operators also contribute significantly to the market, offering tailored solutions to meet diverse transportation and logistics needs.

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