Digital health users worldwide 2017-2029

Annual number of users in the digital health market worldwide from 2017 to 2029

CharacteristicIn million users
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Statistic: Annual number of users in the digital health market worldwide from 2017 to 2029 (in million users)
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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


The Digital Health market refers to the use of technology to improve health and healthcare delivery. It includes the Digital Fitness & Well-Being, Online Doctor Consultations, and Digital Treatment & Care markets.


The Digital Health market is divided into three markets:
  • Digital Fitness & Well-Being: This market includes fitness trackers, health and wellness coaching, and tools that help individuals monitor and improve their health and well-being.
  • Online Doctor Consultations: This market includes telemedicine and other digital tools that allow patients to consult with doctors remotely.
  • Digital Treatment & Care: This market includes digital tools that are used to diagnose, treat, and manage medical conditions. It includes the Connected Biosensors and Digital Care Management markets.

Additional Information:

The growth of the Digital Health market is driven by factors such as increasing smartphone penetration, improved internet connectivity, and the growing need to curb healthcare costs. The market is also supported by government initiatives to spread digitalization across the healthcare sector. Key players in the market are introducing advanced applications to enhance the user experience and integrate with other digital platforms. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital health solutions, particularly in the Online Doctor Consultations market.

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