Autonomous & sensor technology market growth worldwide 2021-2030

Growth of autonomous and sensor technology market globally in 2021 to 2030

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

Autonomous and sensor technology refers to the combination of advanced systems and devices that enable machines and vehicles to operate and make decisions independently and without human intervention. Autonomous technology encompasses the areas of perception, decision-making, and control systems that make it possible for machines to autonomously navigate, interact, and respond to their surroundings. Sensors, on the other hand, are devices that detect and measure physical or environmental variables such as temperature, pressure, motion, and light, these variables provide crucial data inputs for autonomous systems to perceive and understand their environments. By leveraging sensor data and autonomous capabilities, these technologies enable applications such as self-driving cars, industrial automation, robotics, and smart infrastructure.

Additional Information:

The market comprises two key performance indicators: market sizes and market sizes by industry. Market sizes are generated by the funding amount of Autonomous and Sensor Technology companies. Key players of the market include companies such as Nvidia, Waymo, and Velodyne Lidar.

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