Revenue from the e-commerce software market worldwide 2017-2029

Revenue from the e-commerce software market worldwide from 2017 to 2029

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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


The eCommerce Software market covers a wide range of software applications that support organizations in managing their online sales channels. These solutions typically include features for managing product catalogs, automation of shopping carts, order management, inventory management, and handling order fulfillment.

Products in the eCommerce Software market are most commonly available in the forms of cloud-based software and subscription services.

Additional Information:

The eCommerce Software market comprises revenue and revenue growth as the key performance indicators. Only the revenues that are generated by primary vendors at the manufacturer price level either directly or through distribution channels (excluding value-added tax) are included and the revenues generated by resellers are excluded. Revenues are generated through both online and offline sales channels and include spending by enterprises (B2B) and governments (B2G).

Key players in this market include Shopify, Salesforce, SAP, and Adobe.

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