Average per capita consumption of vegetables in the EU-27 2019-2029

Average per capita consumption in the vegetables segment of the food market EU-27 from 2019 to 2029

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


The Vegetables market covers fresh, frozen, and processed edible plants that are bought and consumed for nutrient-based purposes.


The market consists of 2 different submarkets:

  • The Fresh Vegetables market covers all types of vegetables that haven't been canned, frozen, dehydrated, pickled, or preserved in any way. This market is divided into seven submarkets: tomatoes, potatoes, leafy vegetables, cabbage vegetables, onions, root vegetables & mushrooms, and other fresh vegetables such as pumpkins, eggplants, zucchinis, cucumbers, paprikas, bamboo shoots, legumes, and other vegetables.
  • The Processed and Frozen Vegetables market covers all types of vegetables that have been canned, frozen, dehydrated, fermented, and pickled.

Additional Information:

The market comprises revenue and average revenue per capita, volume and average volume per capita, price per unit (unit refers to kilogram), sales channels. The market encompasses retail sales through both online and offline sales channels to private end customers (B2C). The market only covers at-home consumption, out-of-home consumption is not included.

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