Revenue forecast of the heating and cooling market in the U.S. and Canada 2019-2029

Revenue of the heating and cooling segment of the DIY and hardware store market in the United States and Canada from 2019 to 2024, with forecasts until 2029

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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


In the segment of Heating & Cooling, the focus lies on various heating and cooling systems which can be found inside buildings. Included in this segment regarding cooling are mainly air conditioners and cooling supplies.

Additional Information:

The market consists of revenue and average revenue per capita data. Per capita figures take into account the whole population. This market includes only B2C (business to consumer) sales. B2B (business to business) sales (e. g., hardware for coffee shops, offices, etc.) are excluded. For more information on the displayed data, click the info button on the right hand side of each box.

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