Number of users in the Electronics market India 2019-2029

Number of users in the Electronics market for different segments India from 2019 to 2029

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Supplementary notes

The eCommerce market segment Electronics includes the B2C online sale of household appliances (e.g., dishwashing machines, refrigerators, hair dryers, small kitchen appliances) as well as of consumer electronic devices used for computing (e.g., PC monitors, laptops), for home office activities (e.g., printers, copiers), for communication (e.g., mobile phones, landline phones), and for entertainment (e.g., speakers, televisions, headphones, video players, smart streaming devices). Electronic devices and home appliances can be purchased via a variety of online platforms, including internet retailers (, furniture stores (, and electronic retailers ( Resale of used, defective, or repaired goods (reCommerce and C2C) is not included in this market segment. All monetary figures refer to the annual gross revenue and do not factor in shipping costs.

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