Revenue in the Accessories market United Kingdom 2018-2029

Revenue in the Accessories market for different segments United Kingdom from 2018 to 2029

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Supplementary notes

The Accessories market comprises wearable, fashionable accessories that complement a person's outfit such as Watches, Jewelry, Suitcases, Bags, Wallets, Handbags and other containers for private end consumers. This market includes both fashion jewelry and high jewelry of precious materials such as gold, silver, or titanium. Therefore, both non-branded items and brands such as Rolex, Cartier, and Louis Vuitton are covered. Consequently, the differences in price levels are considerable. There are also disparities regarding distribution, as accessories can be bought from exclusive, expensive luxury boutiques, brick-and-mortar multi-label businesses (department stores), vertically integrated clothing companies (H&M, Primark) as well as e-commerce or mail order companies. The Accessories market does not include watch parts or watchbands, non-wearable items or protective bags and cases for electronic devices such as notebooks or cameras.

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