Per capita sales volume in the tissue & hygiene paper market Luxembourg 2019-2029

Per capita sales volume in the tissue & hygiene paper market Luxembourg from 2019 to 2029

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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


The Tissue & Hygiene Paper market comprises a range of tissue and hygiene paper products designed for private end consumers. The market is diverse and encompasses various product categories, such as toilet paper, paper tissues, household paper, feminine hygiene, baby diapers, face masks, and incontinence. Products such as packaging paper made from tissue paper are not included in this market.


The Tissue & Hygiene Paper market is divided into seven main sections:

  • The Toilet Paper market is the strongest market in terms of sales. It includes dry toilet paper and wet toilet paper.
  • The Paper Tissues market comprises paper tissues made from pulp, facial tissues, and wet wipes.
  • The Household Paper market covers all kinds of tissue paper which are used for household care, including paper towels, table napkins, kitchen rolls, and tablecloths.
  • The Feminine Hygiene market comprises all kinds of sanitary paper made from pulp, including tampons and sanitary pads.
  • The Baby Diapers market includes disposable diapers/nappies for infants and toddlers.
  • The Face Masks market comprises surgical, disposable, and cloth masks as well as respirators (N95, FFPs, KN95, etc.). Products such as face shields, oxygen masks, gas masks, and facial masks have been excluded.
  • The Incontinence market covers adult diapers. Other, non-tissue medical products for continence management are not included.
  • Additional information:

    The market comprises revenues, average revenue per capita, volume, average volume per capita, and price. Revenues are generated through both online and offline sales channels. Key players in the market include SCA, Procter & Gamble, Kimberly-Clark, Unicharm, Hengan, Sofidel, and Metsä. These companies are leaders in their respective segments and are known for their innovative products, brand reputation, and extensive distribution networks. For more information on the data displayed, use the info button right next to the boxes.

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