Number of users in the ehealth segment of the digital health market Russia 2019-2029

Number of users in the ehealth segment of the digital health market Russia from 2019 to 2029

CharacteristicIn million individuals
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Statistic: Number of users in the ehealth segment of the digital health market Russia from 2019 to 2029 (in million individuals)
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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


The Digital Treatment & Care market includes devices and apps that help users monitor and analyze lifestyle-related aspects and improve their overall health. It includes user and revenue trends for four categories: digital care management, connected Biosensors, and online pharmacies.


The Digital Treatment & Care market is divided into four markets:
  • Connected Biosensors: Biosensors that collect information on a variety of health parameters and vital signs of an individual (blood pressure, temperature, blood glucose, weight) by reading or measuring this data and transmitting it via electrical signals.
  • Digital Care Management: Various apps that help users monitor/detect/analyze physical health conditions. Contraception and fertility apps provide users with guidelines on self-care, family planning, and birth control, raise their awareness, and offer monitoring functions. Medication checker apps provide users with useful dosage intake guidelines, drug interaction information, and personal medication records.
  • Online Pharmacies: Over-the-counter medicine that can be purchased without a medical prescription through online sales channels. The market comprises analgesics, cold and cough medication, digestives and intestinal remedies, skin treatment products, and vitamins and minerals.
  • Digital Therapeutics (DTx): Software-based therapeutic interventions that deliver evidence-based therapeutic content to patients to prevent, manage, or treat a medical condition. DTx can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including chronic diseases, mental health disorders, and substance use disorders.
  • Additional Information:

    The digital care management user base includes paying and non-paying customers. The revenue figures only include revenues generated from paid apps offering premium options and from in-app purchases, revenues from app downloads and advertising are not included. The data only reflects B2C revenues, B2B and C2C revenues are not covered.

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