E-commerce revenue of the wine industry in Europe 2017-2029

E-commerce revenue of the wine industry in Europe from 2017 to 2029

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The eCommerce Alcoholic Drinks market is a segment of online retail that specializes in selling various types of alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, spirits, and mixers through electronic channels. This market includes both online retailers that exclusively sell alcoholic beverages, as well as traditional brick-and-mortar stores that have an online presence. Online sales attributable to out-of-home consumption of alcoholic beverages are not included in this market segment.

The purpose of eCommerce Alcoholic Drinks is to provide consumers with a convenient and accessible way to purchase a wide variety of alcoholic beverages from the comfort of their own homes. With the increasing popularity of online shopping and home delivery services, eCommerce has become an important sales channel for the alcoholic beverage industry.

The relevance of the eCommerce Alcoholic Drinks market lies in its ability to offer consumers a wide variety of alcoholic beverages from around the world, including rare and hard-to-find products that may not be available at local stores. Additionally, eCommerce provides consumers with access to detailed product information, reviews, and ratings to help them make informed purchasing decisions.

Examples of successful eCommerce Alcoholic Drinks businesses include Wine.com, Drizly, and Vivino, which offer a wide variety of alcoholic beverages that can be purchased online and delivered to consumers' homes. Other popular eCommerce retailers such as Amazon and Walmart also offer a selection of alcoholic beverages on their websites.


The eCommerce market for Alcoholic Drinks consists of five different markets:

  • The Beer market includes fermented alcoholic beverages based on malt.
  • The Cider, Perry & Rice Wine market contains includes fruit wines such as cider (made from apples), perry (made from pear), and rice wines, such as Sake and Soju. Palm wines and similar beverages are also included. However, wines that use grapes as their base are not covered as they form part of the Wine segment.
  • The Spirits market comprises alcoholic beverages that have been produced through the distillation of wine, fermented fruits, or grains. Due to the distillation process, the alcohol content of spirits is much higher than that of most wines and beers, typically ranging from 20% to 50% alcohol by volume (ABV).
  • The Wine market includes alcoholic beverages derived from fermented grapes. This covers Still Wine, Sparkling Wine and Fortified Wine.
  • The Other Alcoholic Drinks market contains all alcoholic drinks not covered by the above mentioned ones. For example, Hard seltzer, also referred to as spiked seltzer or hard sparkling alcohol water, is a carbonated alcoholic beverage that often contains fruit flavoring. Typically, it is clear and colorless, with an alcohol content of 4–6% alcohol by volume (ABV).

Additional Information:

Alcoholic Drinks comprises revenues, users, average revenue per user, and penetration rates. Revenues are derived from annual filings, national statistical offices, Google- and Alibaba-Trends and industry knowledge. Sales Channels show online and offline revenue shares, as well as, desktop and mobile sales distribution. Revenues are including VAT. The market only displays B2C revenues and users for the above-mentioned markets, hence C2C, B2B and reCommerce is not included. Additional definions can be found on each respective market page.

Key players in the market are companies like Amazon, JD, Tmall, Walmart, Taobao and Shopee.

Market numbers for the total market sizes (online + offline) can also be found on the respective pages of the Consumer Market Insights.

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