Leading digital music brands in Kazakhstan 2022, by market share

Ranking of digital music streaming brands in Kazakhstan in 2022, by market share

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Digital music refers to music that is stored, transmitted, and accessed in a digital format, typically through electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, tablets, and digital audio players. Digital music can be created, distributed, and consumed entirely in digital form, without the need for physical media such as CDs, vinyl records, or cassette tapes. Digital music can be in various file formats, such as MP3, AAC, FLAC, or WAV, and can be downloaded, streamed, or purchased online from digital music platforms, online stores, or streaming services.


The market consists out of music streaming, which is the streaming of music through apps on a subscription basis, music downloads, which is the download of music on a device, music streaming advertising and podcast advertising, which are the advertising spendings in each of the markets.

Additional Information:

Revenues are generated through purchases and subscriptions.

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

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