Largest public cloud markets APAC 2023-2029, by revenue

Largest public cloud markets in the Asia-Pacific region in 2023 and 2029, by revenue

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

A public cloud is defined as the digital infrastructure and computing resources that are managed by a service provider. Examples of public cloud computing resources include virtual machines, storage, and services, all of which are available for purchase with flexible (e.g., pay as you go and subscription) business models. Such payment options make it possible for customers to access, scale, and utilize resources as needed. Public cloud solutions make it possible for users to save on IT costs, increase their efficiency, and take advantage of advanced technologies without having to invest in long-term IT solutions. Public cloud service providers own and maintain the physical infrastructure, hardware, and software. Users only need to pay for the computing resources that they require. The Public Cloud market refers to the companies that provide these cloud computing resources and services to individuals, businesses, and organizations.

The data encompasses B2B, B2G, and B2C enterprises. Figures are based on the money spent at manufacturer price level (excluding VAT).

A detailed methodology can be found in the Statista Technolody Market Outlook.

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