Digital health market revenue in Spain 2017-2027, by segment

Revenue of the digital health market in Spain from 2017 to 2027, by segment

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Supplementary notes

The digital health market covers a set of technologies such as mobile health apps, telemedicine, or wearable devices that allow individuals to monitor and keep track of their health conditions efficiently.

The digital health market is divided into two major segments: Digital Fitness & Well-Being and eHealth. The first one focuses on products and services that allow users to track and monitor their physical and mental behavior, while the second includes products or services that provide access to health care, treatment, or medicines with the intent to cure diseases.

The figures only reflect B2C revenues based on relevant mobile applications and consumer electronics companies data. B2B and C2C revenues are not covered.

All figures are estimates.

A detailed methodology can be found in the Statista Health Market Outlook.

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